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Lawyer - Currently building a Jiggy Law firm | Music Exec | A&R | Consultant | Baby boy | Clarity coach. Named “4th Most Influential Youth in Nigeria ” - 2018
Jul 26, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
Sammie in his 1st diary session

- He said Day 1 was a bit shaky. That he got intimidated by the caliber of people he first met in the house

- he said he’s fitting in now ans the men in the house are “great” and he feels “great” - a man of few words I assume 😒😂
#BBNaija - He said he bonds well with the ladies and because he’s a talker, he just vibes with the ladies.. Thay the ladies don’t know much about him yet but that he loves the ladies and the Guy too but he’s a ladies guy (who ask you? 😂)
Jul 26, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read

- she feels great being in the #BBNaija house

- The experience for her so far: she’s still adapting and she thinks the house is beautiful ,everyone is amazing and they are getting along for now

#BBnaija #MARIA - on her fellow housemates: She feels like everyone is REALLY mature and everyone is experienced in the house..

- On Bonding: She’s still trying to
bond with everyone and it’s still day 2.. said the guys are really nice and she feels at home with Them and she’s comfortable.
Jul 26, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
TEGA on her 1st Diary session:

She first tells Biggie she’s having a crazy tooth ache, and needs her meds.. Yess queen!
- On being in the #BBNaija house, she said it feels “goooood, Like oh my God” and she wished she wasn’t having “mad pain”, she would have expressed it more😂 - Her thoughts on fellow housemates: She said “biggie you know how it is.. first week, everyone is United and stuff” basically for now, she’s getting to like some of them and gradually others will come thru..

Jul 26, 2021 4 tweets 3 min read

1- He said he’s nervous and overwhelmed

2- He said he hopes he doesn’t make any of the housemates uncomfortable based on how he is and where He’s for… awww.. Biggie had to ask him to take a Deep breath & Relax..

#BBNajia #BBNaijaShineYaEye 3- Biggie saw how overwhelmed He was and asked if He needed a minute to gather himself and reminded him that #BBnaija is a social experiment… and he doesn’t need m to walk on egg shells around fellow housemates
