Chris Osborne Profile picture
Building an AI coding school for non-developers: | Domain investing: @DomainLabs
Oct 21, 2020 16 tweets 9 min read
How to start an email newsletter that provides value AND generates profit 💰

Thread 👇 Why should you be bullish on email newsletters?

This tweet from @Julian sums it up better than I ever could:

Apr 15, 2020 20 tweets 14 min read
Newsletter #2 is live:

This will allow podcast & newsletter creators to sell their unfulfilled sponsorship inventory at a discount.

I built this using @ConvertKit. All was great until I couldn't find a way to remove the "Powered by ConvertKit" link :( Image Newsletter #3 is live:

This newsletter will recap the best #FinTech news every week.

I built this using HTML/CSS and used @ConvertKit for email delivery. Lot's of hiccups as I was coding, but overall I'm happy with the flexibility this setup provides. Image