Kyle Seraphin Profile picture
Podcaster. Recovering FBI Agent. Federal Whistleblower. Husband, Dad, Paramedic, USAF vet, Skeptic. Contact:
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Sep 16, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
Hilarious AND sad. Jeremy is 100% correct.

If you show up and you are scared of your NAME being associated with the TAXPAYER funded agency you work for... WTF are you doing?

Remember: ABD+D. Always, Be, Closing, (the) Door on the FBI. For those asking: outside of some of the tactical vehicles or the marked command post vehicles, agents don't drive G-rides with GOV plates.

They are American made fleet vehicles, but will have regular state plates.
Aug 26, 2024 4 tweets 8 min read
🚨 How much of the $143,000+ Julie and John Kelly have given to politicians have been to Democrats?

Prior to Nov 2016, Julie Kelly seemed content doing propaganda for the Big Ag businesses under the guise of a regular "suburban mom" who teaches cooking classes. She lives in a 10,000 sqft home in Orland Park outside of Chicago IL and is married to John J Kelly, Jr - a lobbyist and owner of .

One of their biggest clients is , a roughly $100B a year agribusiness.

"ADM is a global leader in both human and animal nutrition. We utilize the power and provisions of nature to create ingredients and solutions that generate safe, healthy, and sustainable nutrition for people and animals around the world."

Julie's home was purchased for $1.356M in Jan 2011. The point is - the Kelly's have been well-off since long before you heard of her, and her shilling for Monsanto and pesticides, and her @tomcolicchio feud (documented below in her own words) appear to be a hobby. Tom's account is clearly on the political left, but it didn't stop Julie from picking fights with a man for clout. And, due to the horrible nature of social media, and a husband with connections to major news outlets - she was miraculously able publish an editorial in the @WSJ.

In her words, she was upset that a cook got into politics. Pot - Kettle. Kettle - pot. “Why is this cook lecturing me about politics and food stamps?" So she was inspired by picking a fight over food issues which also were her husband's client's issues. ()

Apparently, much of the writing Julie and a guy called Henry Miller did was published in Forbes, but retracted after an @nytimes article in 2017 exposed their articles as thinly veiled ghostwriter pieces for Big Ag and pesticide companies. They are still archived on the Genetic Literacy Project - a website run by a former Phillip Morris disinformation operative and initially funded by Bayer/Monsanto with $100k if you believe the organic watchdog groups who looked into it.

Julie popped onto the scene in the political writing world with the Federalist and then later with American Greatness. The first archived piece from @FDRLST was a few days after the 2016 election. ()

In this piece she states: "Aside from the policy differences and mixed enthusiasm, one factor brought us together: Hillary Clinton. It all boiled down to a common refrain I heard from women and men, which was, “I can’t vote for her.” The disdain, even disgust, for her was palpable. Corrupt, dishonest, phony were the most common descriptors. Her complicity in the Benghazi terrorist attack and subsequent cover-up were high on the list of reasons MY FRIENDS WOULDN'T VOTE for her, along with her private email server and questions about the Clinton Foundation." (emphasis added)

This is curious because on 3/29/2016, Julie contributed $2700 to Hillary for America - the @HillaryClinton campaign for president against @realDonaldTrump. This was in line with her and her husband's pattern of giving money to @TheDemocrats including Harry Reid, @BarackObama both senate and presidential campaigns, and more. She actually supported @AdamKinzinger for Congress with $500 in 2012 in an amusing turn of events.

But people change, and Julie is entitled to change. However, it becomes harder to explain the fact that she supported and donated $2800 to @JoeBiden on 12/17/2019. At the time she was writing for American Greatness () and likely writing her book trashing the #NeverTrump part of the @GOP. Her book "Disloyal Opposition," published in July 2020, has an amusingly ironic title. As people supported "the Great Julie Kelly" on podcasts, TV, and now her subscriber funded @X and @SubstackInc accounts, #MAGA readers were funding a household that has donated over $130,000 to all of the Democrats they dislike intensely.

Since Trump first took office, and Julie was writing for conservative publications, she and John donated to @BetoORourke, @SenatorDurbin, @timkaine in VA, @TammyMurphyNJ, @KamalaHarris (via Harris Victory Fund - previously Biden Victory Fund), @jontester, @SenBobCasey, and the @DNC.

All of this information was obtained using publicly available information on the internet from my home. You don't need special access or databases. The donations can be seen on the government's FEC contributions database. The search parameters were chosen using OSINT that took about 30 minutes to generate. I spent more time writing this post than looking this up.

The point is - stop being so trusting of people's motives when they are going to attack @SuspendablesUSA for simply sharing accurate information. Julie was wrong about the language in the FD-888 used to execute the Mar-a-Lago search warrant. @dbongino decided to back Julie's false information and publicly attacked a number of men who have more skin in the game and future's on the line than either the Bonginos or the Kellys.

If you blindly follow this woman who has attacked @shipwreckedcrew, @TPC4USA, and others without justification or cause, you are supporting Democrats. Financially.
(Journalists who wish to received the FEC search parameters can request via DM. The answer to the headline question is over 90% by my calculation.)………Image
Just remember - the ENTIRE online "conflict" between @julie_kelly2 and the @SuspendablesUSA came from her falsely assuming things about the FD-888 used to run the search warrant at @realDonaldTrump MAL residence. As in my first interview given with @dbongino, I have lost friends over this raid. I have never stated it was the appropriate tool. But I also believe accuracy is important and false/misleading statements give "the other side" (read this FBI/DOJ/USGovernment) room to wiggle and make excuses.

Everything about the DOJ Deadly Force policy is standard and MUST be written in the op-order for the op to happen. Because a magistrate judge signed it, it MUST be executed. Those who executed it should live in shame. Here are the tweets with inflamed the ire of the once food blogger/propagandist turned MAGA reporter Biden/Hillary/Obama financial backer.

You'll notice - they aren't personal, they aren't inflammatory, and when Julie was approached separately by others who have ACTUALLY served FBI search warrants, they ALL agreed with my statements (as have dozens of retired and former LEOs).

The Story was, is, and always will be that the FBI should have asked to conduct a consent based search through DJT's attorneys. But the moment the Bureau chose "search warrant," the language, the ops plan, and the tactics became far less negotiable. The @FBI is deeply compromised and operating for political outcomes. It should be disbanded and replaced with title 18/21 deputized state or local cops. But being accurate in criticism means something.Image
Jul 14, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
Jenna Howell, an @FBI employee who works in the NICS firearms background check unit, posted her disappointment @realDonaldTrump survived an assassination attempt. Jenna has a Top Secret clearance.

This is a typical #FBI support employee. And she hates gun owners.

The National Instant Criminal Background Check System is a background check system in the United States created by the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act of 1993. The act was named for James Brady - who was wounded in an assassination attempt on Ronald Reagan. Ironic?Image
Jenna is a typical “pro-Palestine,” rabid “LGBTQIA+ ally,” and hater of conservatives across the board. She is confrontational and insulting to veterans with total impunity. The @FBI culture encourages and empowers these low level Leftists.
Apr 22, 2024 6 tweets 4 min read
The problem with a public life that doesn't match your private life is that you have to be a liar in one or the other... @JamesOKeefeIII would want you to believe this one: spiritual, God focused, using "real journalism" to expose the truth. 🧵
In reality - this was a lie. It brought in donor money, and allowed him to show a face which parents, and Christians, and good people supported (I'm sure often unwittingly), while he mocked them behind the scenes.

Mar 18, 2023 4 tweets 5 min read
The Society of Former FBI agents (@SOCXFBI), a subservient arm of the @FBI Director’s office run by woke and weak former Agents, have released the following to their members:

Apparently they are getting a rare “circle the Wagons” sit down with Wray at Quantico next month. 🧵 In this release, they defame @RealStevefriend and @SeniorChiefEXW along with @JamesAGagliano because they are parroting the Director’s talking points. In it, they imply that #KneelTeam6 was justified in dropping a knee, the #FBIWhistleblowers are not really whistleblowers …
Dec 28, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
A friend sent me the following article:
I have it archived in case you don't want to pay for the @nytimes, and who could blame you.
This article defends the FBI, former Miami SAC George Piro, mentions the Suspendables (🤣), and is written by @AlanFeuer. 🧵 This is too easy. So #LFG:
1) The NYT likes to carry water for the DOJ/FBI as it attacks their political enemies. This is disgusting behavior.
2) They have decided to defend retired FBI Special Agent in Charge George Piro, a "highly decorated" Agent. Piro's exploits are👇👇(2)
Oct 13, 2022 10 tweets 4 min read
@julie_kelly2 So this someone who knows the Deputy Director of the @FBI and feels ok doing a first name email. It comes from "external email" which is another business or personal acct. It is 100% politicized and describes "red"/"blue"/"purple" state offices. This person believes they have the authority and the gravity to "tell" Agents what to think. Talks about a senior intel analyst "from [his/her] first unit" retiring. Leads me to believe someone from the Intel or national security side. This could be a contractor, retired FBI, or current FBI. (2)