Transportation & Parks Liaison to the Queens Borough President! Love biking with friends & coasting downhill fast. The views expressed here are my own.
Sep 3, 2021 • 28 tweets • 16 min read
As soon I heard there were basement apartment deaths on Peck Avenue, I knew where they were likely to be and I'm furious. Here's why: 1/
I know this corner well because it's along @QueensGreenway, a major #BikeQNS route connecting the parks along the Kissena Corridor. 2/
Feb 17, 2019 • 27 tweets • 14 min read
I had an epic #bikenyc day yesterday, until I got doored and knocked off my bike for the first time. I’m fine, just angry that a For Hire Vehicle passenger’s carelessness and bad infrastructure hurt me and could’ve killed me. 1/
I was riding home from a friend’s bday dinner in the Village, heading east on Houston Street to 1st Ave, which I take up to the Queensboro Bridge. On the last block, I rode in the “bike lane” between the vehicles poised to turn right and the cars positioned to go straight. 2/