Long Covid Doctors for Action Profile picture
A campaign & advocacy group campaigning for UK doctors with post-acute #Covid complications & safe workplace protections | #LongCovid | #FFP3 | #CleanAirBill
Just Here For The News Profile picture 1 subscribed
May 15 7 tweets 2 min read
ATTENTION 📣 all NHS healthcare workers occupationally injured by #Covid

Thousands of HCW contracted covid at work in absence of adequate airborne protections.

Legal recourse is now the only route for those injured to seek justice and support for themselves.

1/ We have secured legal representation for all NHS health’care workers in all four UK nations.

If you are an NHS healthcare worker occupationally exposed and injured by #Covid, then you are invited to join our legal action.

Feb 19 10 tweets 3 min read
Ahead of tonight’s hard-hitting #ITV drama #breathtaking, nothing has changed. Despite political denial, #CovidIsntOver & still poses a significant threat to health. 300 dying in hospitals each week.

NHS HCWs are now taking legal action. Occupationally injured? Join us..

🧵 UK Government are allowing #Covid to to run rampant.

Still, 4 years on, UK healthcare workers are STILL going to work unprotected.

We believe there now needs to be justice and legal accountability for those NHS healthcare workers occupationally injured.
Jan 25 9 tweets 2 min read
BREAKING: Doctors occupationally exposed to #COVID19 to sue health service


ALL UK HCW who have been occupationally exposed to #COVID19 & suffered significant injury as a result are invited to join our litigation effort. 👇🏽

news.sky.com/story/the-nhs-… ALL healthcare workers - doctors, nurses, pharmacists, porters, domestic staff etc - who have contracted #Covid_19 at work and suffered significant injury as a result are invited to join our group litigation effort.
Dec 7, 2022 15 tweets 12 min read
We are excited to announce the launch of

Long Covid Doctors for Action
💥 @LCD4A 💥

a UK doctor advocacy and campaign group who are committed to..🧵 1a. To campaign and advocate for doctors with #LongCovid to remain in employment and to continue to have an income.
