Luka Culiberg Profile picture
Sociologist of culture | Japanologist | Head of the Department of Asian Studies | Faculty of Arts | University of Ljubljana 文化社会学者|日本学者 リュブリャーナ大学 文学部 アジア研究学科長
Jan 7, 2023 15 tweets 6 min read
Ob bizarnem tvitu PRS o bizarni nalogi žrebanja dolžine mandatov programskih svetnikov se je na tviterju pojavil ogorčen plaz tvitov, katerih skupni imenovalec je bilo mnenje, da je izbira z žrebom bizarna v kontekstu vodenja in upravljanja javnih zadev. Kratka 🧵👇🏻1/ Tako stališče lepo povzema spodnji tvit, katerega avtorja žreb "asociira na neresnost, na hazard, na nekaj, kar je odvisno od golega naključja, na nekaj kar nima opore v resnosti in domišljenosti dejanja, na nekaj, kar ni kredibilno." 2/
Nov 29, 2022 14 tweets 3 min read
Dokler je ta bizarni diskurz omejen na tviter trole in propagandiste stranke SDS, je to še smešno, ko pa ga privzamejo univerzitetni kadri in mainstream časopisi, pa vidimo, kako nizko je padel intelektualni nivo javne razprave. Prava epistemofobija bi rekla predsednica DZ. 1/ Razpasel se je nekašen fahidiotizem, ki ni več zmožen širše politične analize. Komentar ustavnega pravnika, ki piše o "potolčeni desnici" in "prevladi levice" in iz tega izpeljuje "ogroženost temeljev slovenske ustavnosti" pač ni resna analiza stanja. 2/
Jul 8, 2022 23 tweets 9 min read
As much as today's assassination attempt on the former PM Abe Shinzō is a horrible and shocking event, what it certainly is not is "unprecedented in Japanese history". 🇯🇵🧵#JapaneseHistory #日本歴史
Leaving aside the frequent assassinations during the revolutionary period of the 19th century Japan and focusing only on the 20th century, Japan has seen its fair share of political assassinations. #JapaneseHistory
Jul 8, 2022 8 tweets 4 min read
So what exactly is going on in Japan? 🇯🇵 According to the latest news, former Prime Minister Abe Shinzō is in critical condition after being shot during a political speech in Nara. #ShinzoAbe… According to Kyodo News Abe is showing no vital signs after being shot by a gunman while campaigning for the weekend's House of Councillors election. Abe was shot from behind at around 11:30 a.m. while he was speaking in front of a railway station. (Kyodo News)
Jul 8, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
May 20, 2020 23 tweets 9 min read
Since it's a #WorldBeeDay2020 today, I want to do a little thread connecting bees, Japan, Slovenia and Europe. The #WorldBeeDay is celebrated on May 20, the day Slovenian beekeeper Anton Janša, the pioneer of beekeeping, was born in 1734. #世界ミツバチの日 So, honey and bees are big in Slovenia, but there was
one particularly famous bee back in the 70s and 80s. People growing up in those remote times surely still remember a famous bee called Maya and the rest of the gang.