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May 20th 2023
In the Islamic holy book, the Qur’an a chapter is dedicated to the bee, called An-Nahl. This literally translates to ‘The Bee’ & it describes the bee’s way of life, & how Muslims should be more like them.

For #WorldBeeDay we are celebrating the bee in Islam 🐝

A thread… Image
1/ Al Nahl, Chapter 16, 68-69, talks about a variety of topics, but Allah specifically chose the title The Bee to catch the attention of the readers. Bees are said to be Allah’s miracles; the way they function and how they behave, are to be held as an example #WorldBeeDay Image
2/ The significance of Al Nahl as Chapter 16 is important. The only verse in this chapter that mentions bees is made up of 16 words & 16 different Arabic letters. Coincidentally, female bees have 16 pairs of chromosomes, whereas males have 16 chromosomes #WorldBeeDay Image
Read 18 tweets
May 20th 2022
Since it's #WorldBeeDay, settle in because we're going to give you the bees and the bees talk. Here's where baby bees come from.
For the purpose of this thread, we're going to be talking about western honey bees, because these are best-studied, but many of these principles also apply to other bees. Also ants.
Another note before we get going, whenever we say "the queen" in this thread, we're talking about a queen bee. We don't want to get locked up in the Tower, so we thought we'd be clear.
Read 35 tweets
May 20th 2022
In the Islamic holy book, the Qur’an a chapter is dedicated to the bee, called An-Nahl. This literally translates to ‘The Bee’ & it describes the bee’s way of life, & how Muslims should be more like them.

For #WorldBeeDay we are celebrating the bee in Islam 🐝

A thread…
1/ Al Nahl, Chapter 16, 68-69, talks about a variety of topics, but Allah specifically chose the title The Bee to catch the attention of the readers. Bees are said to be Allah’s miracles; the way they function and how they behave, are to be held as an example #WorldBeeDay
2/ The significance of Al Nahl as Chapter 16 is important. The only verse in this chapter that mentions bees is made up of 16 words & 16 different Arabic letters. Coincidentally, female bees have 16 pairs of chromosomes, whereas males have 16 chromosomes #WorldBeeDay
Read 16 tweets
May 19th 2022
@AaravSeth_ @ErikSolheim @JanineClimate @KaoHua3 @KambojAnanya @CTrebaul @PTrebaul @WakioDorcas @KabilaObbo @krosenlund_com @rhosking252 @TomsTweeters @Martelocris @JoinIsmail Thanks!
Short answer:
1/🍯 bee, APIS genus, is one species among 20,000 ones,
2/ They carry out 13 works in 40 days, starting with nurturers, carpenters...storekeepers...Foragers are those who're more than 28 days old, follow the last ones, adventurers.
Halictae (sweat bee)⤵️
@AaravSeth_ @ErikSolheim @JanineClimate @KaoHua3 @KambojAnanya @CTrebaul @PTrebaul @WakioDorcas @KabilaObbo @krosenlund_com @rhosking252 @TomsTweeters @Martelocris @JoinIsmail @ChristineMilne @FatherBob @elaine4animals @IPBES @UNBiodiversity @UNECOSOC @RoArquette @GeorgeMonbiot @LucieLucasOffic @LouisSerge 2/2
3/ No hierarchy, always collective interests, real #socialists,
4/ No obligations, some are lazy, will only practice one job,
5/ It's 1000 flowers per day & per forager, i.e. 4 times around the 🌍 for 1kg of 🍯, Earth-Venus for 300kg, thus spreading life.
Osmia Calaminthae ⤵️
@AaravSeth_ @ErikSolheim @JanineClimate @KaoHua3 @KambojAnanya @CTrebaul @PTrebaul @WakioDorcas @KabilaObbo @krosenlund_com @rhosking252 @TomsTweeters @Martelocris @JoinIsmail @ChristineMilne @FatherBob @elaine4animals @IPBES @UNBiodiversity @UNECOSOC @RoArquette @GeorgeMonbiot @LucieLucasOffic @LouisSerge @stephenbudd @ECOWARRIORSS @OECD @DrJimmyStar @ImandiU @NeaminZeleke @Mistywoman1 @AuroraBlogspot @vanessa_vash @DrMariaNeira Bonus.
6/ If they spend the winter they live up to 5 months.
7/ They maintain alive 80% of the Earth biomass, pollinating. The 19,999 species of #wild bees pollinates more,
8/ In 30 years their population failes down by 80%
9/ They were named as "The most important animal on 🌍"
Read 5 tweets
May 20th 2021
Bee Engaged: 5 Quick Facts You Didn’t Know About #Bees!…

(📸: A Moeed Faruqui/TOI, BCCL, Bhopal)
#WorldBeeDay: Despite their role in pollinating our plants, which are responsible for the sustenance of humans and mostly all other organisms on this planet, bee populations have been on a steady decline due to large-scale ignorance regarding their existence.

#WorldBeeDay2021: To conserve these ecologically significant pollinators, it is imperative to not only value their existence, but also understand its different components: habitats, behaviours, species diversity, shapes, colours and sizes.

Read 11 tweets
May 19th 2021
Tomorrow is #WorldBeeDay and I can already see the status quo (i.e. pro-capitalist, pro-colonial, overly simplified and just plain wrong) narratives are going to dominate.
To be clear, I'm ok with the day being used to discuss managed bees, their use in intensive ag., the struggles the industry faces etc. But to conflate this as a wildlife conservation issue is just wrong.
This paper shows the consequences of these dominant narratives. E.g. ppl think all bees are endangered, ppl think pesticide use and loss of flowers are the main threats, ppl think honeybees are native species, ppl unsure whether HBs can replace all bees.…
Read 8 tweets
May 20th 2020
Since it's a #WorldBeeDay2020 today, I want to do a little thread connecting bees, Japan, Slovenia and Europe. The #WorldBeeDay is celebrated on May 20, the day Slovenian beekeeper Anton Janša, the pioneer of beekeeping, was born in 1734. #世界ミツバチの日
So, honey and bees are big in Slovenia, but there was
one particularly famous bee back in the 70s and 80s. People growing up in those remote times surely still remember a famous bee called Maya and the rest of the gang.
Maya the Bee or Die Biene Maja in original was born much earlier as a main character of the book "Die Biene Maja und ihre Abenteuer" by the German writer Waldemar Bonsels, published in 1912.
Read 23 tweets
May 20th 2020
Hoy se celebra el #DíamundialdelasAbejas

... esas abejas melíferas que son "el ser vivo más importante" porque son "las" polinizadoras de las plantas,
... esas abejas en peligro de extinción que, si desaparecen, nos quedarían 4 años de vida.

Una pista sobre el contenido de este #hilo:

La ONU marcó en el calendario el día 20 DE MAYO con la idea de crear conciencia sobre la importancia de los polinizadores ...


Pero nos llega muy poquito de esa idea inicial ... #WorldBeeDay 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ ImageImage
No deja de sorprenderme cómo los medios nos transmiten ideas simplificadas, desdibujadas y erróneas 😒, que se convierten casi automáticamente en "LA VERDAD™" 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

El tema de LOS POLINIZADORES necesita muchas aclaraciones porque NO NOS ESTÁ LLEGANDO EL MENSAJE CORRECTO. Image
Read 48 tweets
May 20th 2020

It’s #WorldBeeDay 🐝

Here's how bees play a vital role in increasing food security, improving nutrition as well as keeping our planet healthy.

It’s important to support the sustainable development of beekeeping in order to protect and enhance bees and their habitats.
We should be grateful to our bees and other pollinators:

🐝 They improve our diets by providing micronutrient-rich foods
🐝 They give us honey
🐝 They make our foods taste better
🐝 They increase food production and food security
🐝 They maintain biodiversity #WorldBeeDay
According to @FAO, pollinators like bees affect 35% of global agricultural land, supporting the production of 87 of the leading food crops worldwide. #WorldBeeDay
Read 8 tweets
May 20th 2020
Hoy es el #WorldBeeDay. ¿Sabíais que hay >20.000 spp de abejas? Todas son útiles para la polinización, tanto de nuestros cultivos como de gran parte de las plantas silvestres. Pero también otros insectos son útiles como polinizadores (sí también para nuestras cosechas)
Muchas spp de polinizadores están en declive, aunque no precisamente la abeja melífera, esa es una especie doméstica sometida a manejo y cuya abundancia depende del mercado. Sí, la abeja de la miel NO está amenazada (la web de @FAOKnowledge es estupenda…) Image
Por ejemplo, las mariposas en Europa
(fuente…) pero también hay dípteros, coleópteros, ... y sí, también himenópteros, entre los que están las abejas. Image
Read 14 tweets
May 20th 2019
The ancient Greek word μέλισσα mélissa, “honey bee” comes from μέλι méli, “honey. Priestesses worshipping Artemis and Demeter were called Melissae or "bees"

Minoan gold Bee ornament decorated with filigree & granulation, Crete c. 1700 BC
This exquisite Minoan gold bee ornament is at the British museum [1]
In Bk. II of the Iliad, Homer uses his first full simile [and the 1st simile in Western Lit] when he likens the hurrying gathering Achaean army to the "swarms of clustering bees" μελισσάων ἁδινάων.
Read 13 tweets

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