Larisa - living with Long Covid Profile picture
🇳🇿 writer, horsewoman, traveler, mental health coach in training, homeschooling mama, Christian... and now ME/CFS / Long Covid sufferer #fblc #fbME
May 31, 2022 7 tweets 3 min read
I have #longcovid #MECFS and so do my three teenagers. I spoke to a friend recently who had #MECFS as a teenager and the good news is, she recovered - but it took TEN YEARS! From 13 to 23. Her whole teenage
and young adult life. And she was told it was in her mind. 1/n I do not want this for my kids! Ten years? With no guarantee? This was 20 years ago and nothing has changed. There are "specialists" out there who have seen this over and over and over again, and did nothing. Twenty years of research could have saved my kids from this fate.
May 30, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
I attended the zoom symposium on Long Covid last week which is mentioned in this article. It was a great start in the collective work needed to support people with LC. But it was also a stark reminder of the impact LC is going to have on our country. 1/n This is a great article summarising some of the key concerns of the symposium - how does our country deal with 10% of the population disabled with Long Covid? How do we support people financially and emotionally? How do people afford their rent or look after their children?