National Latina Institute for Reproductive Justice Profile picture
We at Natl Latina Institute for Repro Justice build Latina/x power for salud, dignidad, y justicia w/ activists in FL, NY, TX & VA! Join us 💪 #SoyPoderosa
Sep 15, 2020 16 tweets 7 min read
Today is the 1st day of "#LatinxHeritageMonth" and we're spending it reminding ppl tht forced sterilization of our community is genocide that has been happening to Black, Brown, & Indigenous ppls since this country's founding. If ur surprised u haven't been paying attention... From legislation like the Hyde Amendement 2 fake clinics, there has been a long effort in this country to block POC from controlling their bodies. Despite being "pro life" many are just obsessed with controlling our bodies. Case in point:
Oct 3, 2017 10 tweets 4 min read
Hoy recordamos a #RosieJimenez que murió de un aborto inseguro a la edad de 27 años. #BeBoldEndHyde #RosieJimenez era una joven, de clase trabajadora, estudiante chicana y madre soltera. #BeBoldEndHyde
Oct 3, 2017 10 tweets 5 min read
Today we remember #RosieJimenez who died from an unsafe abortion at the age of 27. #BeBoldEndHyde #RosieJimenez was a young, working class, Chicana student and single mother. #BeBoldEndHyde
Sep 30, 2017 8 tweets 4 min read
[Thread] The Hyde Amendment is a deliberate attack on low-income women’s reproductive freedom. #BeBoldEndHyde The #HydeAmendment bans federal funding for abortion coverage through Medicaid. #BeBoldEndHyde