How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App from Iwo Jima and Okinawa, it was expected that US casualties would range in the hundreds of thousands (with up to two millions in the most pessimistic scenarios) - at least a doubling of the US body count until then. / together a lot of important facts that are forgotten. The crucial role of defence spending in kickstarting the Valley is known - what is less obvious, is that defence industry only came there because the American top brass was worried that a Soviet first strike / trouwens dat de huisknecht van Mortimer gekleed is als Sikh maar dan Moslim blijkt te zijn 🤪 instance, one thing that has become very clear now is that, without systematic testing of people without symptoms, you have no idea of what is going on, or rather that your idea of what is going on is based on biased data. /