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The far left suppresses with language policing and canceling. The far right suppresses with various isms and religion. Both factions are orthodox cults. | DM us
Oct 12, 2024 9 tweets 2 min read
@DaniJurinsky @heidiganahl @GovofCO @JohnE_Fabb A timeline is needed where we compare the original claim with the claim being touted today. By liberal leadership not addressing the original claims, the far left brought Trump to Aurora. I may sound a bit “Boulder” woo but what you don’t deal with, will find you. @DaniJurinsky @heidiganahl @GovofCO @JohnE_Fabb A common mistake people make in arguing is to forget to argue from the original premise and to begin arguing from the “moved goalposts.” You see it all the time. I think a slowed down approach to what spurred on these claims will do wonders. Hidden Brain has a wonderful pod…
Dec 22, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
#Boulder City Council:

I was so dismayed by the events that transpired during open comment last night. I wanted every member of council to denounce the antisemitism on full display. Instead, only two (of the three?) Jewish members—both beset and beleaguered by antisemitism— …had to remind you what is happening in our community, our country, and our world. Your silence last night is an utter indignity to their pain.

Whatever pats on the back and consoling words you gave to Mark and Tara off camera do nothing to show the citizenry you are…
Oct 15, 2023 9 tweets 4 min read
@solutionsnotSZs loves to brag (“blink”) about their NO ON 302 supporters. Image But they seem to leave out one of their biggest supporters, @safeboulder
Why is this? Image
Sep 16, 2023 11 tweets 3 min read
1. No, #Boulder we aren’t performing or prioritizing immediate sweeps.

2. Your ideology “no one is safe until we are all safe” is not true.

3. The average citizen does not have to find solutions. They already pay taxes and vote.

podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/sha… “We need to find solutions…” Image
May 6, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
I think it’s helpful to start with the framework of the #Boulder POP mission: to serve the community by reviewing cases and making recommendations for remediation, if necessary. Police shouldn’t be afraid of oversight. 1/ I don’t think we should throw the baby out with the bath water by saying this case of LSM misjudgment means the POP is a corrupt organization.
If you make this argument then you must also side with the notion that one bad cop spoils the whole police force. 2/
Apr 16, 2023 7 tweets 4 min read
The latest tactic for Lisa Sweeney-Miran is to have people write to #Boulder City Council to support a diverse panel on the POP. What is diverse about Lisa? She is a white girl who has never had any personal bad experiences with police. (P. 282 of the independent counsel report) Image She says she has seen others be treated with disrespect through her work with the homeless and in her position with her non-profits. But is this diversity? This describes so many people in our town who do important non-profit work. Image
Apr 14, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
Independent counsel recommends @LSweeneyMiran resign from the #Boulder POP or city council should consider removing her:

bouldercolorado.gov/news/independe… From page 13 of the 317 page report Clay Douglas writes, “On our March 26 telephone interview, Sweeney-Miran said “abolitionist” is not a term she would use to describe herself and she is unsure what the term means because she has not used it to describe herself...
Apr 13, 2023 16 tweets 6 min read
A bad batch of Fentanyl has hit the streets of Boulder. 🧵 A couple years ago in 2021 when it was mentioned by @BVSDcolorado it was after a spate of deaths including this boy, Jack Swanson, who attended Boulder High: Image
Apr 3, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Fresh off the press is Councilman Bob Yates newsletter:

mcusercontent.com/eaad53fe6e110e… In he writes: COVID faded last year and the unplanned fun ended. Restauranteurs and retailers on West Pearl demanded their street back, so that customers could drive to their eateries and shops and park nearby. The complications of utilities, public safety, trash removal…
Mar 22, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
The email from #Boulder High School in response to exploding propane tanks:

Dear Boulder High School Families and Staff,

As you may have seen in the media, there have been several fires that Boulder Fire Department has had to put out in the tent encampments, just outside…1/ …of the western boundary of our school property. In the first case on Friday, student athletes were running on the multi-use path when they had to turn back after spotting the fire. On Tuesday, student-athletes were practicing at Recht Field when the fire started. 2/
Mar 7, 2023 10 tweets 6 min read
@annie_mehl reported last week @bouldercolorado hired @farahmuscadin as a POP consultant to guide the panel in a variety of matters. @farahmuscadin recently resigned from her POP post in late last year after returning from maternity leave citing her desire to focus on family and care for her our-of-state parents: thetexan.news/wp-content/upl…
Feb 17, 2023 6 tweets 4 min read
@boulderweekly has a fairly balanced piece out this week on the diminished safety of #Boulder Creek and its surrounding areas. All the progressive propaganda in the world cannot withstand the opening paragraphs about the lived experience of a local 9th grader: The piece takes opinions from citizens across the board on this issue, but there seems to be no accountability from city council for the safety problems that persist. As you know, we are passionate about taking local leadership to task on these matters.
Feb 6, 2023 24 tweets 5 min read
News on the most recent complaints related to the new #Boulder POP candidates has been scant, so we will share what we know: Resident, musician and faculty member of The New School, Emily Reynolds filed two complaints against some members of city council in late January. 🧵 January 30, 2023

Boulder City Clerk and Staff:

“Pursuant to City of Boulder Municipal Code Title 2, Chapter 7, I am filing a complaint for a Code of Conduct violation against Mayor Brockett and Council Members Benjamin, Folkerts, Friend, Joseph and Speer…”
Jan 22, 2023 6 tweets 5 min read
a gentlemen on @Nextdoor Eric Brum is having a lot of trouble getting your help with his rental property in Hayden Place Apartments. Yesterday, he detailed conditions that include black mold, feces, and bugs. 1/ His partner and their infant have been paying out of pocket for hotels since it makes them both sick to stay there. Eric has called @bouldercohealth and has not heard back. Hazmat cleanup has begun but many units are still inhabitable due to the stench and subpar conditions. 2/
Jan 21, 2023 12 tweets 7 min read
In her post vote plea, city council member @SpeerBldrCC
“wanted everyone to think about how easy it is to confuse disagreement and criticism with bias.” She then went on to invoke some true scenarios around the systemic state of policing. 🧵1/ Unfortunately she’s making the wrong argument and it is she who doesn’t understand the legal difference between the terms. Time stamp: 2:15:44
Jan 20, 2023 4 tweets 5 min read
Here is the ethics violation complain filed against the #Boulder POP plus the email string: bit.ly/3Xig0yR

@annie_mehl @boulderweekly
@MBforBoulder As you can read, a John Neslage of #Boulder was named as filing the ethics complaint violation. He was the gentleman (flanked by the 1100 police calls) who spoke a couple of weeks ago about his daughter being sexually assaulted by a man in the @boulderlibrary
Cc: @annie_mehl
Jan 20, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
The #Boulder city council meeting is on in five minutes: m.youtube.com/c/cityofboulde… I love this Joni Teter & Matt Appelbaum Housing Legacy Day declaration! As an affordable homeowner for 17 years, I am grateful for this concept and this program. What a beautiful moment! @AaronBrockett12 🙌🏼
Jan 19, 2023 10 tweets 6 min read
Thank you @yellowscenemag for giving us the publicity. Putting out a story that says we are affiliated with Safer Boulder because @lsweeneymiran told you is not reporting, it’s gossip. Feel free to reach out to all parties when you are running a story. Because credibility. Here’s a piece from October 2021 where @yellowscenemag promoted the now castigated candidate, Steve Rosenblum: yellowscene.com/2021/10/22/yel…