Lennart Bentsen Profile picture
Fysioterapeut / MSK physio. Universitetslektor / Asst. prof. ➡️ Bachelor fysioterapi @NTNUhelse
May 16, 2020 10 tweets 2 min read
Re-visiting Waddels award winning paper. It's like: 'Well done! Look everybody, here's a 🏆. As you were.'

A couple of quotes from 1987(!), still in orbit 👇👇 'To achieve the goal of treating patients rather than spines, we must approach low-back disability as an illness rather than low-back pain as a purely physical disease'
Mar 26, 2020 16 tweets 6 min read
Will COVID19 be a #gamechanger for telehealth in physiotherapy? 🤔

Her are some research/articles I referred to in my recent blog (in Norwegian, here: fysioneuralyzer.no/2020/03/24/er-…).

I'm sure there are many more... but here you go (if interested) 🙂

Thread, 1/16 Use of eHealth technologies to enable the implementation of musculoskeletal Models of Care: Evidence and practice

Telehealth Physical Therapy in Musculoskeletal Practice
