Ian Linkletter Profile picture
Emerging Technology & Open Education Librarian. Dude being sued since 2020. Previously at UBC. Let's go exploring! He/Him https://t.co/hd720GzzdU
Mar 28, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
In one week, on April 4th, Turnitin will release a product that does not work: AI text detection. All current customers are affected, and no one can opt out.

Turnitin confidently purports that this tool will only have a 1% false positive rate. This claim is 100% false. Turnitin admits that their AI text detection tool was only built with GPT 3 and GPT 3.5 in mind. But ChatGPT and Bing use GPT 4 now! It's outdated and hasn't even been released yet.

What is the false positive rate on GPT 4, or other LLMs? They don't even know. No one does.
Mar 27, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
We're one week away from Turnitin's AI text detection tool going live on April 4th. It is being rolled out to all customers with no ability to opt out or even test the functionality first. Instructors will be exposed to this unproven functionality before we can even react. Turnitin's AI detection is out-of-date and it hasn't even been released. They say it has been trained on GPT-3 and GPT-3.5 content, but we're on GPT-4 now. Currently, GPT-4 is restricted to paid users of ChatGPT. Those who pay will be immune to Turnitin's academic surveillance.
Apr 21, 2021 4 tweets 3 min read
Proctorio is expanding their lawsuit against me and I urgently need your help.

On the eve of the BC Supreme Court hearing to dismiss their lawsuit, Proctorio has applied for a court order allowing them to pry into my PRIVATE communications.

Our response: drive.google.com/file/d/1qVyw9N… Application Response of: Ian Linkletter (the "applicatiApplication Response of: Ian Linkletter (the "applicatiApplication Response of: Ian Linkletter (the "applicatiApplication Response of: Ian Linkletter (the "applicati Over a month ago, Proctorio’s lawyers cross-examined me for four hours on my application to dismiss their SLAPP lawsuit.

Evidently, Proctorio didn’t like the answers they got, so now they want to invade our privacy and send a message that it is unsafe to criticize them anywhere.
Nov 5, 2020 4 tweets 3 min read
Lawful critique alert:

Proctorio is responsible for perception that they use facial recognition technology. Attached are two screenshots of January 2019 tweets by Proctorio which state they use facial recognition technology.

@EFF @Twitter this is fair use, right? Screenshot of a January 9th, 2019 tweet by @Proctorio: "Screenshot of a January 18th, 2019 tweet by @Proctorio: &quo RT @Proctorio: "Proctorio protects academic integrity by using facial recognition and machine learning technology for ID Verification. #EdTech"
Nov 4, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
I went to go find out, but it looks like Piazza is now requiring me to enter more personal information before I can log in and remove my information from the platform. Image I entered this information and am now being prompted to enter optional "Diversity & Inclusion" information and my personal email address. I still can't log in and remove my personal information from the platform. Image
Dec 7, 2019 35 tweets 44 min read
Instructure bought software AND data, both of which have value. How much value is dependent on a lot of things, especially privacy law, but the data is worth a fortune. It is a plain fact. I have followed Instructure closely this year. Canvas is the #1 most used learning technology I support. If you want to know what they believe about the financial value of data, read on.