How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App #1: There was never a case filed on the division of the congressional district. What was needed was PROOF that CD5 was being divided because of RACE, not POLITICS. John Ryder locked that down. Told GOP to not put ANYTHING in writing. Phone calls only... “While one case granted authority of state courts to apply their own constitutions to election regs, this case involves federal intrusion on state lawmaking., our SOS knew that our laws were incompatible when the @USPS told him in July. ballot either won’t arrive to the voter in time or won’t arrive back to the election commission in time for the vote to be counted. It MUST arrive thru the mail/UPS/FedEx/DHL by the time the polls close. Advising GOP legislature what to vote for/against & convincing Governor to leave “all things voting related” up to you. are still going to have to send in a photo ID. That law stands. will contact all 1st- time voters who haven’t voted on the machine before—and who requested an absentee ballot—will be asked to send a copy of their ID/passport w/ their application.“Its continued existence, he said, as he opened hearings on election reform, created ‘a game of Russian roulette’ because, at some point, the antidemocratic distortions of the College could threaten the country’s integrity.” “Frankly, it’s an anti-coercion methodology. If you look at it, if someone knows you’ve got an absentee ballot, they can say, ‘Hey, I’ll be glad to take that & drop that off for you,’ they can ask you what you filled that ballot out or they can not turn it in at all.” efforts to make it harder for people to vote.