Luozhu Profile picture
AI. Ethereum. Robots. Rockets. Seeking Wisdom.
2 subscribers
Nov 17, 2022 13 tweets 5 min read
We are gradually achieving effective "Proof of Humanity"

PoH is actively used by many projects as a Sybil-Resistance mechanism (e.g. Gitcoin, Worldcoin, Proof of humanity, etc.). While they still have many unsolved issues, innovation is going 1) We want blockchain not only to be a toy for the rich and geeks but to go mainstream. This requires efforts from all sides

Rollup and L2s make Ethereum cheaper
Account abstraction makes Ethereum simpler
PoH makes Ethereum a neutral democratic platform
Oct 15, 2022 20 tweets 5 min read
I haven't looked into Hermez's zkevm solution in-depth (and parts of Hermez's code aren't fully open source yet)

But it's an interesting topic, comparing @Scroll_ZKP and @0xPolygonHermez's zkevm is a very good perspective to help everyone understand the zkVM and zkEVM 1) Basically, @Scroll_ZKP / @PrivacyScaling's zkEVM solution does EVM equivalence by "re-implementing" the entire EVM

All operations of EVM are defined in zkevm-circuits, which require a lot of steps (constraints) to prove
Oct 11, 2022 27 tweets 8 min read
As we all know, the consensus protocol of PoS Ethereum is “Gasper”, which is constructed by applying the Casper FFG (a finality gadget) on top of LMD-GHOST (fork-choice rule)
So if you want to figure out the full Ethereum consensus protocol, it’s necessary to understand these two Ingredients (Casper + Ghost). Besides, these designs are really fun
Oct 6, 2022 17 tweets 3 min read
In this thread, I want to clarify my misunderstanding of consensus mechanisms and clarify their definitions

- PoW, PoS, and PoA are not consensus protocols
- PoW, PoS, and PoA are essentially Sybil resistance mechanisms
- Consensus protocol and consensus mechanism are not equal - For PoW-based Ethereum, Nakamoto is its consensus protocol
- And for PoS-based Ethereum, Gasper is its consensus protocol
Oct 2, 2022 12 tweets 2 min read
When learning the blockchain consensus mechanism, there is an inescapable concept, which is the "Byzantine Generals Problem"

Around this problem, many solutions were born, some of which were abandoned, others were feasible (and inspired Nakamoto PoW and Ethereum PoS) 1) In the blockchain world, the consensus mechanism is to require all individual nodes (generally the number of nodes will be very large) to agree on a single fact (this single fact is the transaction history)

So in simple terms, the consensus is about reaching an agreement
Sep 25, 2022 12 tweets 3 min read
The next big goal of Ethereum after the merge is sharding (Danksharding)

And because merge and sharding (including other upgrades of Ethereum) work in parallel, sharding has made a lot of progress 1) Danksharding is a new sharding design proposed by @dankrad that focuses on data availability rather than code execution
Sep 24, 2022 16 tweets 4 min read
Some thoughts on Layer 3👇 1) My thinking about layer 3 comes from application-specific blockchains

Similar to @dYdX, there are many dApps (existing and future) that need to be a blockchain instead of a contract (such as 100% on-chain games like @darkforest_eth and @topology_gg)
Jul 31, 2022 28 tweets 7 min read
I have always been very interested in the following five areas, and eager to get in touch with the vast amount of knowledge and talent people associated with them👇 - Neuroscience and everything about the brain

- The underlying principles of AI and computers

- Space industry and rocket engines

- Blockchain and Decentralized Governance System

- The latest biotech breakthroughs (on extending lifespan)
Jul 12, 2022 35 tweets 10 min read
Ethereum is an innovation at the level of human civilization, just like language and writing

But in the development process of Ethereum, it has also undergone several major changes. To understand Ethereum and participate in it, you need to know its history and evolution I will sort out the evolution of Ethereum in this thread, as well as the latest roadmap

Given that Ethereum is a very complex economic system, I've only picked out the main components (so there may be some omissions)
Jun 18, 2022 41 tweets 12 min read
#zkEVM has been the holy grail of layer2 and Ethereum scaling and is at the forefront of the blockchain && ethereum

There's a lot of zkp and engineering innovation here, bringing together all the most talented people in the Ethereum ecosystem This is a very interesting and well-worth research topic, in this thread I will dive into zkEVM and explain the native zkEVM architecture of EF and @Scroll_ZKP
Jun 5, 2022 19 tweets 6 min read
In the long term future, Rollup may be the best way for Ethereum to achieve global scaling. Except for specific alt-L1s, most alt-L1s will (probably) become a Rollup on Ethereum 1) The most essential difference between Rollup and alt-L1 is that Rollup can directly use Ethereum as its own security layer and DA layer, and directly inherit all applications and users in the Ethereum ecosystem
May 29, 2022 32 tweets 8 min read
It feels like magic when I was learning zk-proof

zkp not only has the mathematical beauty but also (as a powerful tool) allows us to build all kinds of zk-apps I am deeply attracted by zkp. I would like to briefly sort out the history and evolution of zk-proof in this thread, and find out the key points for in-depth exploration
May 26, 2022 19 tweets 4 min read
In the process of learning zkEVM, I re-encounter a lot of EVM knowledge and gained a lot of new understanding. Here are some interesting details worth going deep 1) For EVM, there are two types of accounts, one is EOA (aka external account), and the other is contract account (aka internal account)

EOA is the personal address we use every day, and the internal account is the smart contract address
May 20, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
@ChihChengLiang 聊完才知道appliedzkp是Privacy and Scaling Exploration(PSE)之前的名字

PSE是以太坊基金会内部一支非常强的team,主要在研究privacy和scaling,以及zk-proof的各种应用(因为Barry有许多好想法) 1)之前搜索appliedzkp,除了 GitHub上的仓库,在twitter和ethereum research上都没有找到太多的信息

但搜索PSE就可以找到许多有趣的zk资讯,这是PSE的twitter @PrivacyScaling
May 17, 2022 10 tweets 3 min read
在学习zk-snark的过程中,接触到了一些非常好的资料(偏向入门)。发出来梳理一下,对想学习zkp的小伙伴会很有帮助 1)zk-snark

May 16, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
rust是一个很有趣的语言,它不像ts/python那样拥有garbage collection(自动管理内存),也不像c/cpp那样需要手动申请和释放内存,它通过设计一套ownership的机制来完成内存管理和释放任务

在写rust的时候,总是要涉及stack和heap(堆/栈)的概念,要思考value存在哪里,owner到底是谁 1)stack(栈)和heap(堆)的区别可以参考这篇文章…

May 9, 2022 18 tweets 3 min read
研究zk-rollup的时候,其中有两个比较重要的概念,第一个是sequencer,第二个是settlement和DA 1)sequencer可以简单抽象为layer2 rollup处理交易/打包汇总的network(节点)

May 2, 2022 23 tweets 5 min read
这两天我把zksync的代码拆开并仔细的阅读了一下(matter-labs/zksync),作为目前市面上主流的zk-rollup项目之一(还有@StarkWareLtd@loopringorg和未来的@Scroll_ZKP 等),zksync算是其中开源最多,代码最完整的项目,所以可以作为zk-rollup优质的学习资料好好研究一番 1)zksync的创始人是@gluk64,他是一位乌克兰籍的开发者,我在很多早期的rollup项目/论坛中都可以频繁见到他的身影

比如barry whitehat的roll_up(可以算是最早的rollup实现)gitter论坛中,首先发现这个项目并进来讨论的就是@PhABCD@gakonst(paradigm CTO)和@gluk64三人
Apr 14, 2022 16 tweets 1 min read

而且是完全图灵完备的,意味着可以模拟人类所有的计算行为,也意味着每个人电脑上运行的程序,都可以迁移到EVM环境下运行 1)因为对这个问题感到好奇,我当时拆开go-ethereum的一部分源码阅读了一下(主要是core/vm),还看了一些黄皮书(没看太懂)和rebase EVM源码解读的内容

但只理解了皮毛,没有彻底搞懂。之后在阅读《信息简史》和《香农传》的时候接触到了 “图灵机模型”,发现这几个概念之间有非常强的相关性
Apr 13, 2022 12 tweets 2 min read
最近顺着之前提到的“现有的solidity和evm生态”深入研究了一下zkEVM,初步了解了不同团队和流派实现zkEVM的不同方式,简单分享一下 1)其中最值得关注的是native zkEVM的实现方式,所谓native就是他们可以无缝兼容现有的EVM(包括Gavin在黄皮书中定义的opcode),不会再建立新的编译架构

Apr 12, 2022 8 tweets 4 min read
这几天刷GitHub很频繁,看到了许多有意思的人/项目,着重分享两个有趣的人 1)@gakonst@paradigm 的CTO,和@FEhrsam 一样都是非常值得关注的人,他长期关注layer2、modular、PoS等内容,我就是在一个StarkNet的项目里发现他的

Georgios的blog里有几篇关于layer2和scale的文章,准备之后有时间慢慢细读一下,而且他还是一个5k小时的dota玩家 :)