How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App are 2 options when scheduling a Zoom lecture. (1) Webinar (2) Meeting. Webinars have the most security features built in, but are basically speakers talking into the void & many don't like that feeling. Our speakers have preferred meetings so they can see participants. international bestseller! Supposedly an account of Alexander's exploits, it is full of bits of lore, fantastical tales, & myth picked up from the various cultures it filtered through. One of these is the trope of the Waqwaq/talking tree (Image: Chester Beatty, Per 104, f. 48), in case you missed it, I did another thread on a supernatural heroine from this sira a little while ago that talks a little bit about why there are so many magical women in the tale: oldest depiction we have in our collection is in a roc, or rukh, is shown in these two illustrations saving travelers from the ocean. The first is from a late 14th c. 'Aja'ib al-makluqat held by the Freer (f. 63a), The second is from a 1632 version of the same text (Rylands Persian MS 3, f. 70b) couldn't find any images of the cardinal djinn kings Masir Kamtam Taykial and Qaswarah, even though I've read that their names at least were common on amulets and talismans like the one below (HAM 2002.59). Anyone seen any? So first, Gabriel/Jibra'il: This image of the angel carrying Muhammad across the open seas comes from a Mi'rajnama, or tale of Muhammad's ascension, and is f.121a of the Bahram Mirza Album (TSK H.2154)