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Lutheran, Montanan, Libertarian, @humanreactionpc co-host, @Montana_LP, @DefendGuardMT, @Mises Apprentice, Hazlitt Fellow @FEEOnline, @LPMisesCaucus
Sep 16, 2024 11 tweets 7 min read
BREAKING: Ryan Routh wrote a book called “Ukraine’s Unwinnable War.” His wife is the editor.

Here is the description on Amazon:

“Roosters’ crow and here I sit at 5am; I shot a white rooster yesterday and they normally run off screaming, but this one was paralyzed and could no longer walk and was dragging itself along with its wings. . A short time later one of the Afghan soldier escapees sends me a video of a Taliban man who has stabbed a civilian and grabs him by the hair and proceeds to cut his neck sawing the knife back and forth with great effort to remove his head while the man’s arm is flailing back and forth in a weak attempt to defend himself. I did not have the stomach to even watch and fumbled as I tried to make it stop. My Afghan soldiers longing to escape being murdered send me countless videos and photos of the barbaric cruelty that I cannot even fathom. What value do we each put on the lives of life around us, and what atrocities can we justify? The Canadian sniper is hunkered down at his post and his two Ukrainian spotters insist on cigarette outside so the smoke does not bother the Canadian, against his advisement, and the brilliant glow of cigarettes finds the crosshairs of the Russian tanks cannon and body parts fly. Russians bum cigarettes from two Ukrainian civilians whose town they now own and shot them in the back as they walk away. How do we justify killing in any form? . I would think that the more civilized and progressive we get the more respect for life we would have. I would probably fall in the category of barbaric killer as I laugh about her and kill chickens in the same day. When is it acceptable to kill another human-being? I think that the vast majority of advanced civilized society would land on the side that killing a human is generally unacceptable. If we all are opposed to the unjust random killings of civilians how can we go about our daily lives and not act when thousands of our innocent neighbors or getting murdered by a terrorist like Putin, and how can we sit idle as genocide occurs in Afghanistan and Myanmar and other places around the globe.
As the Taliban is committing genocide and killing the majority of the Afghan population; we have 5900 Afghan soldiers ready to deploy to Ukraine and we have 10,000 of the Syrian free army(less 67 killed in the earthquake last week) that Ukraine and the US refuses to allow and coordinate them to go and fight in Ukraine. After spending five months in Ukraine I began to realize that it was impossible for Ukraine to win this war and that the world should not have grand thoughts that it is possible.
I presume that I must be clear, that while on the current path Ukraine will not win, it is imperative for the world that they do win, and that is why this book is so important, for us all to recognize that losing is not an option and what we must do to win. I obviously did not write this to make any money, as that is totally unimportant; the extremely important issue is that we openly discuss daily the major issues that face Ukraine and what we each must try to do to fix them. This is a conflict of global importance and the outcome will affect us each and every one for the rest of the world.
It is tragic that we are too immature as leaders to be modest and humble and bend over backwards to forge relationships. If we are the world’s leader we must be able to set the example of how of unselfishness and kindness and caring and be able to sit in the dirt floor with the most common struggling souls among us and share their pain and try to make their lives better. There would be little need for any world news or any news outside of our own community if we all intend to do nothing. What is the point of even covering the story? They take the picture of the mother and child decapitate on the kitchen floor with the kids head on the kitchen table because it is not normal or acceptable and if we are not moved to act we must be heartless shells of humans.”Image Here are all the chapters of his book.

Notably, “Why not Nuclear War” and “Ukraine cannot win- So the world must win the war!”

May 11, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
The most important part of the CNN town hall tonight:

“Do you want Ukraine to win this war?”

“I don't think in terms of winning and losing. I think of getting it settled so we stop killing all these people.”

Control of the Donbas is not our business, and it is not worth……
Dec 22, 2022 18 tweets 4 min read

Here’s a list of people comparing Zelensky to Churchill last night (they want WWIII so bad) 👇 Pelosi, desperately wanting to live on in the history books:
Aug 17, 2021 5 tweets 3 min read
Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell is holding a Q&A with students and teachers right now and are using #FedTownHall. Can we also flood it with #EndTheFed? #EndTheFed
Aug 17, 2021 17 tweets 7 min read
The Taliban spokesman got a question about freedom of speech and he said the question should be asked to US companies like Facebook who claim to promote it while still censoring I don’t buy that this is whataboutism. It’s valid to point out the hypocrisy of those who might judge you
Aug 16, 2021 32 tweets 10 min read
“We don’t invade poor countries to make them rich. We don’t invade authoritarian countries to make them democratic. We invade violent countries to make them peaceful and we clearly failed in Afghanistan.”
— James Dobbins, former U.S. diplomat
#TheAfghanistanPapers “What did we get for this $1 trillion effort,” asked White House Staffer and Navy SEAL Jeffrey Eggers. “After the killing of Osama bin Laden, I said that Osama was probably laughing in his watery grave considering how much we have spent on Afghanistan.” #TheAfghanistanPapers