How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App, Harris never once called Trump backers "Nazis," "fascists" or anything similar. Trump's Marine general former chief of staff did say Trump admired Hitler and many of us cited that (how could we ignore it?), but that was not about his supporters. 2/, we've enforced the Leahy Laws all over the world, including with close allies. They work because they allow a surgical approach of cutting off individual units instead of denying aid to entire countries. Foreign governments often make changes to avoid getting "Leahied." 2/ was intrigued, so just for fun, I asked another chatbot - #BingChat - what it thought about Prof. Kosinski's scary sounding experience with its cousin Chat GPT4. Russians can keep smashing Ukrainian cities from a distance. But when their troops push in, the Ukrainians kill them. Their supply lines are insecure. As Russia's economy collapses, they will get less help from home. At what point will they vote with their feet for peace? 2/ year, the US bought $17 billion worth of oil from Russia. That's not a huge number, and many US refiners are already ending their purchases anyway. what you may have heard, US oil production is up, by some 5%, since President Biden took office. We are at capacity for LNG exports to Europe (till more LNG terminals are built). We are exporting oil AND importing (including from Russia) - this is how oil markets work. 2/