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Millennial, Native Washingtonian, @BernieSanders delegate #MedicareForAll #BlackLivesMatter #BernieSanders #NotMeUs
Mar 4, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
I'm starting to see my own generation #Millennials kind of low key going after #zoomers and initially I was part of that until I realized something: it's boils down to frustration of Millennials being the poorest generation in seventy years.. And then seeing article after article promoting zoomers as being more successful than our generation. So it's likely the media pushing Gen Y and Gen Z to go at each other.
Mar 4, 2021 14 tweets 6 min read
NEW REPORT: Mainstream media undermined Sanders.

I just completed a report on what happened Last Year on Super Tuesday. I'm a social science major and I used my expertise to find out how positive or negative the coverage was of Biden vs @BernieSanders over six weeks.
(1/11) I drew on an InTheseTimes study of Positive and Negative coverage of Sanders, a Washington Post study showing majority of Americans only read headlines, and an article by Salon on how Biden earned between $70.9 to $100 million in the equivalent of free advertising by the MSM.