Mara Revkin Profile picture
Associate Professor @DukeLaw. Nonresident @CarnegieDCG. Law & political science of conflict, peacebuilding & transitional justice. Rhymes w/ @JonPetkun.
Aug 3, 2024 5 tweets 4 min read
Grateful to our research partners @IOMSouthSudan for a productive and humbling 2 weeks seeing one of the most severe & complex humanitarian crises in the world—one that is not getting nearly as much international attention & aid as it needs (a $1.2B funding gap). Thread ... 1/5

2/5 South Sudan is the youngest country in the world and has had a rough start since winning independence from Sudan in 2011: a devastating civil war (2013-2020) followed by delays in crucial transitional milestones (still waiting on a new constitution & first-ever elections). Image
Sep 30, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
*Thread: A few people have asked me about NYT's "ISIS Files" story in which I was quoted in 2018, so I just want to re-clarify my role: I was interviewed for my academic opinion on the documents since I was writing my PhD dissertation on IS governance & I happened to be in ... Iraq when NYT was reporting there. I was only a source & had no knowledge of or part in decisions to remove the documents from Iraq. After the story was published, I was concerned to see that it included unredacted names & photographs of Iraqi civilians, which I feared could ...
Jul 28, 2020 12 tweets 5 min read
1. Looking fwd to presenting a new article w/ @kristenkao Aug 3 @DukeCSJ workshop on the question: Do harsher punishments actually increase the public's willingness to support reintegration of former offenders as is often assumed (but not tested)?… Image 2. on findings from a survey experiment in Iraq, where 19K+ are in prison for association w/ the Islamic State under a sweeping anti-terrorism law that criminalizes "membership" alone w/out requiring evidence of specific criminal acts—see @belkiswille @hrw…
Jun 6, 2020 15 tweets 10 min read
1. Thread: This week, unrelated to but coinciding with the crisis of racism & police violence in the US on which many incredible scholars are & have been working for years e.g. @hakeemjefferson @VeslaWeaver @meganfrancis @JennMJacksonPhD @jonmummolo (follow #RaceAndJusticeConvo) 2. we released the final report of the @IOMIraq + @YaleLawGLC study on perceptions of police in #Iraq. A few thoughts on the implications for police reform in the aftermath of recent (or still ongoing) state violence & repression in my personal capacity ……
Mar 12, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
1. My father is waiting for results of a COVD-19 test that may take 5 days. He's a doctor in the 99th percentile of ability to navigate our dysfunctional healthcare system & it still took days to establish eligibility & hours of driving to the only available facility in CT ... 2. I'm grateful he was able to get a test, but horrified by how difficult it was. Can't imagine how much more difficult it will be for those with less flexibility & resources. As testing catches up with true prevalence, more & more people you know will be directly affected ...
Feb 10, 2020 4 tweets 4 min read
1) This is an important time to be studying security sector reform in #Iraq & it has been a privilege to work with
@IOMIraq @YaleLawGLC @oonahathaway to collect quantitative & qualitative data that will inform the training of community police officers in human rights & ... 2)...procedural justice. We started this project in September 2018 & collected data between July-December 2019. Thanks to all of my @IOMIraq partners & especially the Iraqi researchers & program staff without whose insights & expertise this work would be impossible.
Oct 30, 2019 6 tweets 2 min read
1. Agree w/ @shadihamid & thanks for mentioning my research. We should be able to simultaneously (a) condemn perpetrators of genocide & other horrific human rights violations & also (b) acknowledge that ISIS exploited grievances with bad governance (Iraq) & civil war (Syria)... 2. to provide institutions & services that at least some civilians initially perceived as better--or simply less bad--than the status quo. Survey data from Mosul indicates that although many Moslawis perceived a decline in quality of governance during 1st 6 months of ISIS rule...
Nov 1, 2018 6 tweets 5 min read
1. My new @GLD_Gothenburg working paper coauthored with @kristenkao uses conjoint experiments in a door-to-door survey of 1,450+ residents of #Mosul to study preferences for punishment, forgiveness & reintegration of #ISIS "collaborators"… ImageImageImage 2. Contrary to the government's harsh+indiscriminate approach to alleged collaborators (19,000+ are already in prison), many respondents prefer more lenient punishments than #Iraq's anti-terrorism law allows & perceive variation in voluntariness of different acts of collaboration ImageImage
Oct 4, 2018 7 tweets 2 min read
1. Lots of important insights in here about the difficulty of survey research in conflict areas. 85% of potential respondents agreed to take my recent tablet-based survey in Mosul, but I do wonder about the missing 15% who refused. These 2 groups likely differ in systematic ways: 2. social class/employment status (which impacts availability for a 30-minute survey); exposure to violence--which could either increase/decrease willingness to tell one's "story" per post-traumatic growth theories; sympathy w/ ISIS & resulting fear of prosecution/reprisals ...