Marc Miller ᐅᑭᒫᐃᐧᐅᓃᐸᐄᐧᐤᐃᔨᐣ Profile picture
Ville-Marie-Le Sud-Ouest Île-des-Soeurs, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship /ministre de l’Immigration, des Réfugiés et de la Citoyenneté
Jul 25, 2024 14 tweets 2 min read
We remain deeply concerned for the safety of people in Gaza. Our focus is on reuniting Canadians with their loved ones and bringing them to safety in Canada, to the extent possible.
 👇 That is why we introduced measures to support temporary residence for people in Gaza who are the extended family members of Canadian citizens and permanent residents.
Jan 22, 2024 6 tweets 1 min read
For far too long, unscrupulous actors have been taking advantage of international students, rendering them vulnerable to abuse and exploitation. Today, I announced new measures to the international students program to ensure system integrity and sustainable growth. 🧵👇🏻 1. I announced two-year cap on new study permits starting in 2024. This is expected to result in approx. 360,000 approved study permits this year, and will be allocated to provinces and territories to distribute among their DLIs.
Sep 30, 2022 21 tweets 4 min read
Il y a un peu plus d'un an, plus de 200 lieux de sépulture potentiels ont été découverts sur le site de l'ancien pensionnat de Kamloops. Ces découvertes ont bouleversé notre conscience collective, mais les découvertes à Kamloops et ailleurs ont finalement promu #polcan les voix autochtones, après avoir été ignorées ou incrédules pendant des décennies.

La tragédie des pensionnats est une partie de l'histoire du Canada, notre histoire, qui continue d'avoir des effets dévastateurs partout au pays. Aujourd'hui, à l'occasion du
Sep 30, 2022 19 tweets 4 min read
Just over a year ago, over 200 potential unmarked burial sites were uncovered at the former Kamloops residential school. These findings shocked our collective conscience, but with the discoveries in Kamloops and other locations shortly thereafter, #cdnpoli Indigenous Peoples are finally being heard after having been ignored or disbelieved for decades.
The residential school tragedy is one part of Canada’s history, our history, that continues to have devastating effects across this land. Today, on the second anniversary
Sep 28, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
Les soins de santé sont un droit de la personne et devraient être exempts de racisme et de discrimination. Mais la discrimination et le racisme systémiques auxquels les peuples autochtones sont confrontés dans les systèmes de santé canadiens se poursuivent. #polcan Tragiquement, de telles actions ont mené à des services empreints de stigmatisation, ont entraîné des traumatismes et ont même contribué à la mort de Joyce Echaquan, qui a enregistré ses derniers moments vécus dans une salle d'urgence, juste avant son décès.
Sep 28, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
Health care is a human right, and should be free of racism and discrimination. But the systemic discrimination and racism that Indigenous Peoples face in Canadian health care systems continues. #cdnpoli Tragically, this has led to services that come with stigma, and has resulted in trauma and even death, as in the case of Joyce Echaquan, who recorded her treatment in an emergency room just prior to her passing.
Jun 1, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
June 1st marks the start of National Indigenous History Month as we recognize and honour the history, heritage, contributions, and diversity of First Nations, Inuit and Métis in Canada. #cdnpoli This month is filled with opportunities for everyone to join in Indigenous-led celebrations and activities. We encourage all Canadians to get involved and learn more about Indigenous knowledge and the unique history,
Mar 14, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
Le Canada se réjouit de la décision historique rendue récemment par la Cour d’appel du Québec selon laquelle le droit inhérent à l’autonomie gouvernementale des Premières Nations, des Inuit et des Métis est reconnu et confirmé par l’article 35 de la Constitution. #polcan et comprend la compétence en matière de services à l’enfance et à la famille. C’est la première fois qu’un tribunal reconnaît que les peuples autochtones ont un droit à l’autonomie gouvernementale protégé par la Constitution, et le gouvernement accueillerait favorablement
Mar 14, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
Canada welcomes the Quebec Court of Appeal’s recent ground-breaking decision that found that the inherent right of self-government of First Nations, Inuit and Métis is recognized by section 35 of the Constitution including jurisdiction of child and family services. #cdnpoli This is the first time a Canadian court has recognized that Indigenous Peoples have a constitutionally-protected right of self-government, and the Government would welcome a decision from the Supreme Court of Canada to extend this across the country.
Jan 27, 2022 16 tweets 3 min read
The same week as Williams Lake First Nation announced the discovery of 93 potential unmarked graves at the site of the St Joseph's Mission School, a number of articles have been circulating questioning the nature and validity of these and other recovery efforts. #cdnpoli These articles are part of a pattern of denialism and distortion that has coloured the discourse on Residential Schools in Canada. They are harmful because they attempt to deny survivors and their families the truth, and they distort Canadians' understanding of our history.
Nov 5, 2021 16 tweets 2 min read
Le drapeau national sur la Tour de la Paix, à Ottawa, et ceux flottant sur tous les édifices et établissements du gouvernement fédéral, partout au pays, seront de nouveau hissés au sommet des mâts le dimanche 7 novembre, au coucher du soleil. Les drapeaux seront remis en berne le 8 novembre, au lever du soleil, en l’honneur de la Journée des anciens combattants autochtones, puis hissés au sommet des mâts le soir même, au coucher du soleil.
Nov 5, 2021 14 tweets 2 min read
The National Flag on the Peace Tower in Ottawa and on all Government of Canada buildings and establishments across the country will return to full-mast at sunset on Sunday, November 7. #cdnpoli The flags will be lowered at sunrise on November 8 for Indigenous Veterans Day, raised again that evening at sunset, and then lowered on November 11 for Remembrance Day.
Oct 29, 2021 14 tweets 3 min read
We have been unequivocal from the start: we will compensate those harmed by child and family services polices in order to mend past wrongs and lay the foundation for a more equitable and stronger future for First Nations children, their families and communities. #cdnpoli Today, the Government of Canada and the Parties, the First Nations Child and Family Caring Society and Assembly of First Nations, are announcing that we have agreed to sit down immediately and work towards reaching a global resolution by December 2021
Sep 24, 2021 10 tweets 2 min read
We all have a role to play in finishing the fight against Covid-19. The Premier’s misunderstanding of his own healthcare system and the role it plays together with the Athabasca Health Authority & Northern Inter-Tribal Health Authority is alarming & unproductive. #cdnpoli The facts are that the vaccination rates in First Nation communities in Saskatchewan are low: approximately 60% among persons 12 and older. We should absolutely not seek to place blame on those communities.
Sep 15, 2021 9 tweets 2 min read
Today, I am in Shoal Lake 40 to witness the lifting of 7 Long Term Water Advisories (LTDWA). The people of Shoal Lake 40 have fought hard for this day. But it is also unacceptable in Canada that communities such as Neskantaga First Nation continue to be under a LTDWA. #cdnpoli There is no excuse in a country such as ours that communities continue to suffer from lack of clean & potable water. Canadians and Indigenous Peoples living in Canada deserve to know exactly what the Federal Government is doing and will do to support communities lift their LTDWA.
Sep 2, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
Water is life.

Decades of neglect have led to the unacceptable reality that far too many First Nations have no reliable access to clean drinking water. We have taken significant steps to right this wrong, and much remains to be done. 1 / #cdnpoli In October 2015, there were 105 long term drinking water advisories (LTDWA)
✅ By investing in 535 water treatment infrastructure projects, 109 LTDWAs across Canada have been lifted
✅ In addition, we prevented 188 short-term advisories from becoming LTDWAs
Sep 2, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
L’eau est la source de la vie.  

Des décennies de négligence ont mené à cette réalité inacceptable pour les Premières Nations: pas d'accès fiable à une eau de qualité. Nous avons pris des mesures importantes pour régler ce problème, mais il reste beaucoup à faire.  1/ #polcan En octobre 2015, il y avait 105 avis d’ébullition à long terme.
✅En investissant dans 535 projets d’infrastructure de traitement des eaux, nous avons pu lever 109 avis d’ébullition à long terme partout au Canada. 
✅De plus, nous avons pu lever 188 avis à court terme 2/
Nov 24, 2020 9 tweets 2 min read
On Friday given the alarming rate of increase of Covid-19 in Alberta, Canada announced over $52 million in funding to support Indigenous communities on the ground, including:
•$19 million in direct support for security needs in First Nations experiencing outbreaks #cdnpoli and further $7.9 million to Indigenous organizations for a wide variety of measures, including support to Elders and vulnerable community members, food security, mental health assistance, and outreach efforts to keep people safe.
Nov 24, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
On Friday, in light of the dangerous increase in Covid19, Canada announced additional support for First Nations and Métis in Saskatchewan. Working directly in partnership with First Nations and Métis leadership we are allocating over $68 million in funding, including #cdnpoli •$20 million to Indigenous communities and organizations for a wide variety of measures, including support to Elders and vulnerable community members, food security, mental health assistance, outreach efforts to keep people safe, and emergency response services and preparedness