Mark Tempini 🕹 Profile picture
Producer, Tag Games 🎮 || BAFTA Nominee || Prev. Production/Writing at Rockstar Games & Designer at Hexterion || Opinions my own || They/them
May 31, 2019 7 tweets 2 min read
Journey by @thatgamecompany! A classic game that has no real HUD, instead relies on the use of diegetic UI and is a masterclass on environmental navigation.

I'll break down the following aspects of the GIF: Landmarks, architecture, light and motion. #leveldesign Landmarks: The over-arcing goal of the game is to ascend the mountain. Throughout the game it can be seen. It's a progress marker and aids player orientation. You know where you are in relation to the mountain. Lost? Look for the mountain. These are weenies #disneylandcastle
May 21, 2019 6 tweets 2 min read
Okay, first public attempt level analysis to show how it guides the player so chose a relatively simple one.

Context is important. The player is in a safezone, intending to leave. Genre and game feel will effect how the player interacts with the world. Gods, action-adventure. Lines and Framing: The bridge and terrain curve in the direction of the objectives with each of these pillars framing the players path. The crooked pillar both blocks off |\| a potential frame and points towards the objective. The only jagged lines are stalactites pushing...