Llewellyn Devereaux | Rainmaker πŸ‡ΏπŸ‡¦ Profile picture
Economics β€’ Business β€’ Mindset β€’ Africa 🌍 | Creating macro based value for Public and Private sector in multiple industries | Bookings: info@ldmastery.com
Jan 23, 2022 β€’ 24 tweets β€’ 7 min read
Why men who are devoid of spirituality are WEAK.

"The Just SHALL live by faith."

[THREAD] 🧡 Image Background:

We live in material 5 sensular reality.

We have heard that are not physical beings having a spiritual experience but we are spiritual beings having a physical experience.

This is very important to absorb.
Jan 23, 2022 β€’ 25 tweets β€’ 7 min read
Why women must not date potential. Rather wait for the winners and compete for them.

Do NOT shoot in the gym!! πŸ™ƒπŸ˜…

[THREAD] 🧡 Image Background:

I've seen alot of talk on Twitter regarding women making their monetary demands on men and how men tend to come back with arguments so I figured I'd do some thinking regarding it.
Sep 22, 2021 β€’ 24 tweets β€’ 5 min read
Why women struggle in the dating game in modern day society.

[THREAD] Image Disclaimer:

I was doing research for next book for men. In that I had to draw from my many experiences with women but also looked at published articles to make my points.

This thread is for reflection & not exact as exeptions do occur. But indulge me.

Let's go. Image
Apr 9, 2021 β€’ 18 tweets β€’ 8 min read
Why long term people beat short term people in the long term.

Why you must start thinking long-term.


#TheKeys Lets start off with a quick story for some foundation as I always do.

"There’s a tradeoff between doing the work that pays most and the work that forces you to grow:

Person A chooses money at every turn. Person B chooses growth at every turn.
Apr 8, 2021 β€’ 19 tweets β€’ 8 min read
Building a successful product.

8 actionable steps.


#Entrepreneurship Before we get into it I just want to say that this is a collection of my lessons/mistakes & years experiences.

This is not to be used as a copy & paste, but more of a guideline & game that you must contextualize for your situation.

Extract the principles in the text.

Apr 6, 2021 β€’ 18 tweets β€’ 7 min read
8 steps to become a Top-Tier man.

[The Apex Male.]

Brutal advice I wish I was given when I was a younger man.


#Masculinity Image For men reading this understand the the masculine grows through challenges whereas the feminine grows through praise.

This is why when we dare each other as men or call each other "chicken" it actually spurs us into action whereas with women, not so much.
Apr 1, 2021 β€’ 4 tweets β€’ 2 min read
Zoom Group Coaching Session last night was dope. Only remembered to take a picture after some people had left though πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ’« Snippet πŸ’«
Mar 12, 2021 β€’ 13 tweets β€’ 6 min read
8 Reasons why your business is struggling. From lessons & mistakes I made in the past.

[THREAD] Image 1. This will always be the fundamental reason regardless of many other things. You have to stack up your paying clients & customers.

If you don't have enough, you go into the marketplace and get more. Also don't be afraid to go for big fish that take longer to close. Image
Mar 4, 2021 β€’ 10 tweets β€’ 5 min read
Steps to making money your teachers didn't teach you.


#SaveAndApply Image 1. You genuinely have to have things that you're interested in enough to be curious to learn more about. Doesn't matter what it is.

Curiosity did NOT kill the cat. Another societal lie designed to keep you down. Image
Mar 22, 2020 β€’ 10 tweets β€’ 2 min read
The longer you take to build the life you want, the harder it becomes to do so because as you get older:

1. Your risk appetite decreases
2. The mental programming that has been sabotaging you is reinforced
3. You have less friends who you fear losing so you can rock the boat It also has to be said that the older you get, the more expensive it is to belong to your peer groups.

For the most part if you aren't talking about marriage, kids, holidays & houses; you automatically will get segregated.

Scary how evident this is.
Feb 17, 2020 β€’ 4 tweets β€’ 1 min read
One thing people grossly underestimate is the power of keeping a journal.

You'll never know the benefits until you keep and maintain one.

Someone suggested I get one over a decade ago, I didn't question it, I did it and I can attest to the benefits. A journal helps you mine and refine the magic that's inside you. Your own handwriting also adds massive leaps to the manifestation process and it also makes it super easy to track results & long term changes/improvements in everything that you do.

We miss alot nowadays.