Maxime Bernier Profile picture
Chef du @ppopulaireca / Leader of the @peoplespca
15 subscribers
Nov 5, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read

All the establishment parties support mass immigration despite its catastrophic economic impact

“Canada is continuing to see meagre job growth. But any new jobs are immediately being overwhelmed by immigration numbers that remain at all-time highs.”… 2/6

The labour market is swamped with newcomers:

“in just the first eight months of 2023, Canada added 320,000 jobs, but also added 624,000 people looking for jobs.”
Oct 29, 2023 13 tweets 4 min read
Opposition to mass immigration is becoming mainstream!

In 2019, when a PPC supporter paid for billboards across the country with “Say NO to mass immigration”, everybody freaked out. Moronic talking heads said we were racist, xenophobes, white supremacists.

But now, mainstream journalist @konradyakabuski uses many of the same arguments I have used all these years and that you will find in the PPC Immigration Policy in a long article in the mainstream @globeandmail, where he cites mainstream researchers, to explain the disastrous impact of Trudeau’s mass immigration policy.

And there is no negative reaction whatsoever. How come??


The article is behind a paywall. For those who can’t read it, below are 12 excerpts with arguments you will recognize.

Soaring immigration levels under the Liberals have not made Canada richer, or its social programs more sustainable. If anything, the opposite is true.

It will take years to ramp up investments in housing, health care, public transportation and other infrastructure to accommodate the huge influx of newcomers the country has recently taken in.
Jun 22, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
1/ This article gives a very revealing statistical portrait of the covid situation in Quebec.

These stats show that people under 60 in good health (with no preexisting condition) essentially had NO RISK of dying from covid — about 60 deaths out of 15k.… 2/ The official number of covid deaths in Quebec, 15,462. is itself exaggerated, since it includes both those who died WITH covid and OF covid, the first group apparently being as numerous as the first.
Jun 22, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read

1/ Malgré le discours alarmiste des autorités et des médias, les personnes de moins de 60 ans en bonne santé (sans condition préexistante) n’ont essentiellement AUCUN RISQUE de mourir de la covid.… 2/ Le nombre officiel de 15 462 décès est largement surestimé, principalement par l’inclusion des décès AVEC, et non À CAUSE de la covid, apparemment aussi nombreux.
May 18, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
1/6 L’OMS s’apprête à adopter des amendements au Règlement sanitaire international de 2005 qui régit comment elle coordonne les politiques face aux menaces sanitaires mondiales. Elle a aussi lancé des négociations en vue de l’adoption d’un nouveau traité sur les pandémies… 2/6 …qui vise à lui donner plus d’autonomie et de pouvoir de prendre des décisions.

Contrairement à ce que plusieurs ont prétendu, je ne crois pas que cela donnera à l’OMS un contrôle sur notre système de santé.
May 18, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
1/4 The #WHO is set to adopt amendments to the 2005 International Health Regulations governing how it coordinates policies to deal with global health threats, and has begun negotiations on a new Pandemic Treaty whose goal is to give it more autonomy and power to take decisions. 2/4 Contrary to what some have claimed, I don’t believe this gives the WHO control over our health care system.

The WHO has no police force or army to enforce its decisions and recommendations, and we can just tell them to take a hike if we want to.
Mar 3, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
1/3 La Chine et la Russie ont accumulé d’importantes quantités d’or et se débarrassent de leurs actifs en dollars. En intensifiant le conflit en Ukraine et en imposant des sanctions financières…… 2/3 …nous les poussons à mettre en place un système monétaire alternatif, probablement basé sur l’or.

Lorsque cela arrivera, le US$ va s’effondrer et nos économies massivement endettées vont souffrir.
Jan 3, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
CBC producer quits, slams woke broadcaster for failing to cover issues important to Canadians
@TPostMillennial… Tara Henley’s open letter:

Speaking Freely
Why I resigned from the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation…
Nov 25, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
1/4 Les banques centrales impriment trop d’argent depuis des décennies. Elles ont créé la bulle dotcom des années 1990 et la bulle immobilière des années 2000. Aujourd’hui nous avons un endettement massif, des bulles partout et une inflation des prix à la consommation. 2/4 Quiconque comprend l’économie a vu ça venir. Trudeau a raison de dire que l’inflation est un phénomène global. Mais lui et la @banqueducanada ont empiré les choses au Canada avec les dépenses exagérées et la monétisation des gigantesques déficits des deux dernières années.
Nov 25, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
1/4 Central banks have been printing too much money for decades. They created the 1990s dotcom bubble and 2000s real estate bubble. Today we have massive debts, the Everything Bubble, plus rising consumer price inflation. Anyone who understands economics saw this coming. 2/4 So Trudeau is right when he says inflation is a global phenomenon. But he and @bankofcanada apparatchiks made things much worse for Canada with the unnecessary spending and monetization of the gigantic deficits of the past two years. The remedy will be harder to swallow.
Jun 30, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
1/6 Le Canada est composé de plusieurs cultures locales qui se sont développées ici et n'existent que dans notre coin du monde. La culture du Cap-Breton est très différente de celle du Québec, de l'Alberta, de l'île de Vancouver, du Yukon ou des nombreuses Premières Nations. 2/6 À la Fête du Canada, nous célébrons non seulement notre histoire, notre patrimoine commun et nos valeurs en tant que peuple uni occupant un territoire gigantesque, mais aussi ces cultures et identités qui nous rendent uniques au monde et méritent d'être préservées.
Jun 30, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
1/6 Canada is made up of many local cultures that developed here and only exist in our corner of the world. The culture of Cape Breton is very different from that of Quebec, Alberta, Vancouver Island, the Yukon, or the many First Nations. 2/6 On Canada Day, we celebrate not only our history, our common heritage and our values as a united people occupying a huge landmass, but also these cultures and identities that make us unique in the world and are worth preserving.
Jun 8, 2021 7 tweets 3 min read
Freedom of expression is in peril with Bill C-10. Government will not directly regulate content but will force social media companies to do it for them.
@PardyBruce… More and more, governments have become adept at getting around the Constitution to do indirectly what the Constitution says they cannot do directly.
Sep 30, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
1/4 Trudeau annonce un autre don au reste du monde lors d’une vidéoconférence à l’ONU.

Nous sommes déjà en faillite alors qu’elle différence fait un autre 400M$? C’est seulement 1/1000e du gigantesque déficit de cette année.… 2/4 Et pour ceux qui ne croient pas que #COVID19 soit un prétexte pour instaurer plus de mondialisme et de communisme à l’échelle mondiale, voici les explications de Trudeau:
Mar 19, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
1/ Le plan d’aide d’urgence annoncé par le gouvernement fédéral contient surtout des mesures ciblées et temporaires pour aider les ménages et les entreprises à traverser la crise du coronavirus.

Je pense que ces mesures sont inévitables et je ne vais pas les critiquer. 2/ Pour le moment à tout le moins, le gouvernement évite les mesures keynésiennes typiques de stimulus pour encourager à s’endetter et dépenser plus.

No seulement ces mesures sont-elles en général totalement inefficaces, ce serait de la folie dans les circonstances actuelles.
Mar 19, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
1/ The emergency aid package announced by the federal government yesterday contains mostly targeted and temporary measures to help affected households and businesses cope with the coronavirus crisis.

I believe these measures are unavoidable and I will not criticize them. 2/ The government has for now at least mostly avoided the typical Keynesian stimulus measures to encourage everyone to borrow and spend more.

Not only are these totally inefficient as a rule, they would be utter folly in the current situation.
Sep 2, 2019 8 tweets 3 min read
1/8 @GretaThunberg est devenue la mascotte internationale de l’alarmisme climatique.

Le but de la gauche verte est de transformer radicalement notre société en provoquant une peur hystérique de la fin du monde à moins d’abandonner nos libertés et notre mode de vie. 2/ L’objectif est clair. Thunberg: «Nous devons changer presque tout dans notre société actuelle.»

Ils veulent nous rendre plus pauvres et tout restreindre, du logement au transport en passant par l’alimentation, les voyages, ce que nous consommons, et même se reproduire.
Sep 2, 2019 8 tweets 3 min read
1/8 @GretaThunberg has become the international mascot for climate alarmism.

The goal of the green Left is to radically transform our society through hysterical fear that the end of the world is coming and we have no choice but to give up our freedoms and way of life. 2/ Their agenda is clear. Thunberg: “We must change almost everything in our current society.”

They want to make us poorer and restrict everything from housing, transportation, food, travel, and what we consume, to even having babies.
Aug 19, 2019 4 tweets 2 min read
1/ EC is interpreting a bad law as best it can, but this rule is still absurd. Not because we’re the only party with a different perspective which climate alarmists believe is not legitimate. But because it is arbitrary, draconian, and cannot be applied consistently. 2/ Free speech is a fundamental value for the PPC.

With its changes to the Elections Act, Lib gov has put in place a series of measures that curtail it.

The law should only regulate real partisan advertising, which is when there is mention of a candidate or party by name.
Aug 9, 2019 5 tweets 3 min read
1/ People I know nothing about said to belong to Far Right extremist groups take pictures with me.

I have made it clear extremists are NOT welcome in my party.

Media reaction = Two dozen hysterical stories 2/ Bloc québécois leader @yfblanchet WELCOMES a Far Left extremist as candidate in his party.

Media reaction = mostly ignore it
Jul 26, 2019 7 tweets 2 min read
1/ Another unprofessional and intellectually dishonest CBC “journalist,” @JonGatehouse, claims to have refuted a key part of my speech on immigration by selectively quoting from it and making me say something I did not say. 2/ He writes: Per Bernier, that means "only 26 per cent of all the people who come to Canada every year actually fulfil our economic needs," and that the remainder are "dependents" who "may not master any of our official languages, or are too young or too old to work."