Media 2070: Media Reparations Project Profile picture
Visibilizing media harm. Dreaming up #mediareparations. Project of @freepress
Apr 21, 2021 10 tweets 5 min read
The cops killed #MaKhiaBryant, #AndrewBrown, #DaunteWright & #GeorgeFloyd. Anti-Black media played a role in creating the conditions for these murders.

Here's how newsrooms can stop this ongoing harm now: [A Thread] Begin your reporting and storytelling by starting with the information and care needs of those directly impacted by these deaths and the systemic racism they reflect. (2/10)
Dec 5, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
#OTD Fred Hampton was murdered by the US government

Two weeks ahead, the @chicagotribune published "No Quarter for Wild Beasts." (This is a thread y'all.)

(1/5) Image The Tribune called the Panthers “murderous fanatics, who have been persuaded that they have a right to shoot and kill policemen” and said the Black Panthers “should be kept under constant surveillance.”
