The Mental Elf Profile picture
Follow me to keep up-to-date with reliable #MentalHealth research. Live this week: #BIGSPD24 Belfast Coming soon: #BAP2024 Birmingham
John Miller Profile picture Regi Alexander Profile picture 2 subscribed
Jun 19 19 tweets 6 min read
It's time for keynote number 4 now with Prof Anthony Bateman who is going to talk about:

Borderline and other 'Personality Disorders': banished to the basement or waiting in the wings? A clinical academic perspective #BIGSPD24

🧵 THREAD Image He starts by speaking about 23 years with @BIG_SPD and it's evolution from being a 'cottage industry' #BIGSPD24
Feb 20 56 tweets 16 min read
Welcome to:

Co-occurring mental health and substance misuse: Policy and Practice summit

@DBadenoch here, covering discussion of new research funded by @NIHRresearch

Follow along if you can't attend in person.


🧵… @DBadenoch @NIHRresearch We'll be reviewing:

The RECO study: Realist Evaluation of service models and systems for COexisting serious mental health and alcohol/drug conditions (COSMHAD).

We'll be starting at 0930 GMT, you can catch up on the study protocol here:

Dec 15, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
I'm teaching a group of mental health masters students from UCL this morning. Hello! @MentalhealthMSc 👋🏽

Talking about science blogging & social media.

I'm often asked what makes a good science blog, so here are examples from the last few years 👇🏽

🧵THREAD Image I always love blogs that combine lived experience & research. For me, that's the best combo to help us learn. Telling the human story of a mental health problem & explaining how new research might help us answer questions and act upon our findings to improve people's lives.
Mar 18, 2022 11 tweets 8 min read
Have you ever wondered...

What's my purpose and what impact does it have on my mental health?

Great new #ActiveIngredientsMH video from @EmilyHielscher @CrandonTara @MartinaMcGr @JulieBlakeEpi @QIMRBerghofer @SRFmentalhealth Sense of purpose is defined as the extent to which people see their lives having meaning, a sense of direction, and goals
#ActiveIngredientsMH Image
Jun 10, 2021 15 tweets 7 min read
Welcome to our next keynote for today “Rebuilding a fearless organization: psychological safety and teaming for safe, high-quality care” with @AmyCEdmondson #Quality2021 – I (@DafniKatsampa) will be live tweeting this fascinated talk. Stay tuned and follow this thread🧵 @AmyCEdmondson has been ranked by the biannual Thinkers50 global list of top management thinkers since 2011 (most recently #3) and selected in 2019 as the #1 most influential thinker in Human Resources by HR Magazine #Quality2021
Jun 10, 2021 15 tweets 6 min read
Hello all and a warm welcome to the next session of #Quality2021 - building a stronger foundation with a new definition of quality. We'll be hearing from Christina Krause and Ben Ridout Christina asks, 'why define quality?' - more recently, we started to reflect around the history of British Colombia and what the evidence is saying #Quality2021
Jun 10, 2021 16 tweets 9 min read
Hi folks! I am @DafniKatsampa and I will be live tweeting the next keynote “Intentionally Well: learn, improve – repeat” by @okpedrodelgado. Today is Day 2 of #Quality2021 – stay tuned for fantastic sessions! Today's talk will focus on workforce wellbeing. @okpedrodelgado starts his talk with a great advice 'Try to give yourself the gift of single-tasking' and a brief breathing exercise #Quality2021
Jun 9, 2021 20 tweets 12 min read
Wow, what a fantastic first day at #Quality2021 – we’re about to start our second keynote session now with @KedarMate You can watch along with this session on @QualityForum livestream here – grab yourself a cuppa and settle in! #Quality2021
Jun 9, 2021 18 tweets 12 min read
We're under way at #Quality2021!

First up, @HelenBevanTweet and @goranhenriks on How to create Simple Rules for your health system.

We’re promised a “highly interactive” session, looking at devolved control of innovation and improvement.

Watch live: Let's meet our speakers. @HelenBevanTweet has been supporting quality improvement within the health and care system for nearly 30 years. She has led and facilitated many nationwide initiatives to improve care.
Apr 28, 2021 23 tweets 13 min read
Welcome to the sixth #OxfordMentalHealth webinar. Our topic this time is vaccine hesitancy, mistrust and conspiracies.

Expert panel:
- @ProfDFreeman from @OxPsychiatry @OxHealthBRC
- @jonsnowC4 from @Channel4News
- Chaired by Prof John Geddes I'll be live tweeting until 7pm at #OxfordMentalHealth

The webinar video will be published next week on the @OxPsychiatry YouTube channel, so subscribe to that and you will get a notification when it goes live.…
Apr 27, 2021 166 tweets 94 min read
A very warm elfin welcome to the 2021 @KingsIoPPN Research Festival (Across The Lifespan)

I'm André from the Mental Elf and I'll be live tweeting for the next 3.5 hours

The hashtag today is:

🌟 #IoPPNfestival 🌟 Here's what's coming up:
- We have two keynote talks: Grainne McAlonan on autism and Terrie Moffitt on mental health across the lifespan
- Plus 21 lightning talks from other @KingsIoPPN people on everything from racism to data science
Nov 17, 2020 29 tweets 13 min read
And now it’s time for our final #IEPA12 keynote from Rodrigo A Bressan @RodrigoAffonse1 who is going to talk about Widening the clinical and geographical frontiers of neurodevelopmental studies - the Brazilian High Risk Cohort Study We’ve heard this statistic a few times during #IEPA12
75% of mental disorders start before age 18. Bressan adds that 50% of mental disorders start before age 14.
So “we need to understand the biology very early on, not after onset”.
Nov 17, 2020 35 tweets 17 min read
Our next speaker is Louise Arseneault @L_Arseneault from King’s College London who will be talking about Early intervention for developing positive social relationships: can we prevent bullying victimization and loneliness? #IEPA12 Image The absence of social relationships, or problematic ones may lead to mental health problems, says Arseneault. At the same time, positive social relationships can protect our health and wellbeing. They are important malleable factors that can be target by interventions. #IEPA12
Nov 17, 2020 37 tweets 18 min read
Our next #IEPA12 plenary talk comes from Juliana Onwumere @Families_MH from King’s College London who will be sharing some “Tales from the frontline: Understanding the impact of psychosis on families” Onwumere begins by talking about the cognitive model of caregiving in psychosis, which she published with Elizabeth Kuipers and Paul Bebbington in @TheBJPsych back in 2010… #IEPA12
Nov 17, 2020 27 tweets 11 min read
Our first speaker in this #IEPA12 session is Cristiane Duarte (not on Twitter) from @CU_ChildPsych @ColumbiaPsych who will be talking to us about: Intergenerational Psychiatry: A New Look at a Powerful Perspective #IEPA12 Cristiane Duarte is an expert in the development of mental disorders in children, adolescents and young adults #IEPA12
Nov 17, 2020 20 tweets 10 min read
Our final speaker in this #IEPA12 session of talk is Eric Chen (not on Twitter) from the University of Hong Kong who will be speaking to us about “Youth mental health in troubled times” Eric Chen has been leading one of the first early psychosis intervention programmes in Asia: the EASY programme (Early Assessment Service for Young People with Early Psychosis) #IEPA12…
Nov 17, 2020 13 tweets 9 min read
Our next talk at #IEPA12 is by @pimcuijpers from @VUamsterdam who will be focussing on preventing the onset of depressive disorders: the opportunities and challenges “I’m always happy to talk about research on preventing the onset of depression", as there are lots of opportunities for helping people, says Cuijpers #IEPA12
Nov 17, 2020 22 tweets 13 min read
Our next talk at #IEPA12 is by @golam_khandaker from @psychiatry_ucam who will be discussing the immune system as a potential target for treatment and prevention of serious mental illness and comorbid cardiometabolic diseases This talk will focus on the potential role of the immune system.

Is inflammation likely to be a causal risk factor for depression, psychoses and comorbid physical illness? #IEPA12
Nov 17, 2020 15 tweets 9 min read
Welcome to this #IEPA12 keynote talk by Ricardo Araya @ArayaBaltra_R from @GMentalHealth who promises to tell us all about preventing emotional disorders from a global perspective Araya starts by talking about the different types of prevention:
-primary prevention (most important) aims to prevent disease before it occurs
-secondary prevention aims to reduce impact of disease that’s already occurred
-tertiary prevention (not covered in this talk)
Nov 16, 2020 12 tweets 7 min read
Our final speaker in this #IEPA12 session is Giovanni Salum @gsalumjr Associate Professor from the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul in Porto Alegre, Brazil #IEPA12

"Prevention & Early Intervention in Low & Middle-Income Countries: from Neuroscience to Public Health" Giovanni Salum, Associate Professor from the Universidade Fe As a mid-career researcher, @gsalumjr was “always bothered by the local poverty, the mental illness epidemic in schools, the poor healthcare provision”. So Giovanni decided to leave research and try to make “some contributions to the city” #IEPA12
Nov 16, 2020 17 tweets 8 min read
Our next speaker in this session is Jean Addington (not on Twitter) from the University of Calgary in Canada @UCalgaryMed who will be talking about the North American Prodrome Longitudinal Study (NAPLS), a project in which she is one of the principal investigators #IEPA12 Jean Addington from the University of Calgary in Canada will Addington is interested in early detection & intervention in psychosis. Currently her major research focus is the examination of predictors of conversion to psychosis & the development of psychosocial interventions for those at clinical high risk of developing psychosis #IEPA12