Meredith Cummings Profile picture
Freelance journalist | Teaching Asst. Prof. @LehighU | Book reviews @PittsburghPG | From the Deep South. #RollTide
Mar 4, 2022 9 tweets 4 min read
Happy Friday! Here's a 🧵 about how one person can make a difference to kick off your day with a smile. 2/ I have a friend named Frank. @FrankLoMonte is one of those people who will drop everything to help someone. I direct @AlaSPA and we serve middle and high schoolers in Alabama to help them create various media products (broadcasts, newspapers, literary magazines, yearbooks).
Mar 16, 2021 21 tweets 4 min read
So I’ve been losing my mind since Saturday about the storms coming. A thread about natural disaster PTSD. 1/ I know, I KNOW, people think I’m overreacting or being paranoid but I feel how I feel. I’ve been in counseling off and I’m for the 10 years since the 4/27/11 tornado and you better believe I made an appointment for first thing Wednesday morning. 2/
Mar 11, 2020 11 tweets 4 min read
Here’s what it’s like to have two chronic illnesses and an autoimmune disease and live with the threat of #coronavirus, while most of society on social media makes fun of people like me. A thread about #COVID19. Under “normal” circumstances I wash my hands constantly, clean my phone, glasses and other personal items with alcohol wipes two or three times a day. Since #COVID19 is airborne, I’m literally afraid to go outside. This may seem like an overreaction, but I’m not ready to die.