Michael Barden Profile picture
True investigator, 14 year Air Force Veteran, Survivor. Interviews with @karen_kams56 @JohnBWellsCTM @johnxdesouza https://t.co/Whtt66hEVf
Oct 15, 2020 7 tweets 3 min read
After Joe Biden authored the Patriot Act, the Department of Homeland Security was created. Stasi and Soviet Union secret police officers were consulted while creating DHS. Watch this video and ask yourself why Joe Biden's bus says "Battle for the Soul of the Nation" on it. "Battle for the Soul of the Nation?
Aug 28, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read
This list of indictments probably has something to do with all of the chaos you're seeing in the world right now. This is why the bad guys are panicking. docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d…
Jul 17, 2020 8 tweets 4 min read
10 year business shut down. Years of being stalked, harassed, and systematically sabotaged. COVID plandemic was the final blow that took me down.
Jul 11, 2020 4 tweets 3 min read
Imagine how excited I was when I found a $15,000 beanie baby in a storage unit? It has all the right errors and condition. I decided to sell it for much less because I wanted to sell it fast and pay my rent. It's been listed since 10-2019, and is still unsold? Why? 🤔 If a collector wanted this item, wouldn't they purchase it for $14,000 less from my store? I've been in business for 10 years, 12,000 positive feedback, and over 99% positive feedback. It just doesn't make sense. What are they really buying? #Wayfair #eBay
Jul 2, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read
This guy and George Soros just happen to own large portions of stock in a 7.3 trillion dollar investment company called BlackRock. BlackRock is partnered with FBI Infragard. Go ahead. Fact check me. InfraGard.org Infragard may be told they are helping keep the country safe from terrorists, but in actuality they are stalking, harassing, and mentally torturing victims of child trafficking, patriots, whistleblowers, journalists, veterans, and other innocent people.
Jun 17, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
Here are 47 companies George Soros owns stock in that are working with Infragard. Infragard is run by the FBI, and employees citizen stalkers in the sam fashion the East German Stasi Police did. Watchlisting guidance updated in 2013 after Soros donates millions to Obama. Image #Qanon says to watch the resignations. Notice when most of these CEO's resigned? After watch listing guidance was updated. Some may have left on their own free will, while some may have been forced out due to being complicit in these unconstitutional programs. Image
Jun 13, 2020 4 tweets 5 min read
This may seem irrelevant or crazy right now, but you will all learn about this later. Red and White car symbolism. I know what I'm talking about, and I have no problem saying it. #streettheater #signaling #symbolism #Qanon ImageImageImageImage At the scene of many staged events. What is the pattern? Don't forget this. It will be very important to understand later. #Qanon ImageImageImageImage