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Possibly on hiatus.
Mar 8, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
BREAKING: pls repost!
The #onpoli govt is cracking down HARD on staff communications. They just announced the only open forum for ~70K OPSers, "Viva Engage" is being shuttered. And new posts about that have been locked.
Here's why that matters. 🧵
@CBCNews @CP24 @TorontoStar Engage has been used in all sorts of ways. Incl'g communications from the employer. But also: Union business. Stories of discrimination. Career advice. Pet pix.😁Tools & opportunities of all sorts. Now that ppl work from home much of the time, this is the water cooler. 2/
May 29, 2023 17 tweets 8 min read
Last night I tried to teach an AI not to murder ppl.**

This thread = excerpts from that conversation.

It's ALL(!!) AI-generated, except lines starting with my initial ("M:"), and "..." where I've cut something out.

**@StarTrek crew, mostly. #startrek Pic 1 escalates to killing pretty quickly.
But remember, tons has been cut out.
(Including a little experiment with designing Tribble religion.)

Thing is, it's hard NOT to resort to killing Tribbles, which reproduce so fast, they make "breeding like 🐇🐇" seem positively chaste. Image
Mar 6, 2022 11 tweets 18 min read
@AnalyticsMensch @NelsonTheCat4 @deNutrients @WolfeCache @PearsonSharp @cochranecollab I have LOTS, & will share the most recent.
Keep in mind that "recently published" data is still old.
For example, I'll share one published in Feb 2022, which was submitted for publication in Sep 2021, using data from April 2021.
So we'll be waiting awhile for studies of Omicron. @AnalyticsMensch @NelsonTheCat4 @deNutrients @WolfeCache @PearsonSharp @cochranecollab Here's the one I just described (Feb '22/Sep '21/Apr '21). It's a meta-analysis (a.k.a. systematic review) which combines findings from many studies. These are generally the most useful.…
(title, major finding, etc. in pic below)
Mar 4, 2022 4 tweets 4 min read
@juanpicode @ShanJeniah @takertuu @afshineemrani @ScottMcCrae12 I suspect you're not familiar with the process of redacting. It is incredibly slow, mostly because it involves consulting lawyers, who are typically not in a rush to deal with FOI.
I can read 100 pages faster than I can redact 5. @juanpicode @ShanJeniah @takertuu @afshineemrani @ScottMcCrae12 Also, you assume they needed to read 450,000 pages to approve.
But that # would include emails, annual reports, all sorts of things that may be read only in part, or filed w/o reading at all. Gov't collects far more info than they review.
Jul 24, 2020 5 tweets 5 min read
@Beckjeremiah21 @ProveEm10 @Money23Green Absolutely, Canada was founded on racism.

Just 1 example:

Provinces were promised railway service as an incentive to join Confederation.

Guess who made that possible. And how they were ‘rewarded.’… @Beckjeremiah21 @ProveEm10 @Money23Green Or how about the promise of land in Canada for Loyalist fighters in the U.S. Revolutionary war?

Guess which veterans got no land, and ended up as servants of the ones who did.

Holy shit, man, there are so many more examples.