Milton Tutu Profile picture
Building the largest talent marketplace with @tryblurpe. CMO, @tryselar. Podcast host, @mvipodcast
Jun 1, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
When I got fully into "Growth Marketing" I had to be very careful using the word "Growth Hacker/hacking" because most times when people use this term, they have high expectations like someone will just come and take your product from 3 users to 100K users overnight.

🧵 But in reality, it's not always that way. Growth hacking is actually less about "hacking" growth in the common sense of it and more running smart test and campaigns that you can document, measure and optimize over time.
Apr 19, 2021 10 tweets 2 min read
For almost 3 years I have been dicing my cards around Tech & Growth Marketing and I have realized something

When building products, there are different “growth goals” for each stage of the Product Growth Life Cycle

Here is what I mean.

#THREAD When Facebook first launched their Growth Goal was User acquisition. This was what was IMPORTANT to them at the inception stage.

They FOCUSED on this goal for a while until the Growth team asked...
Dec 19, 2019 15 tweets 3 min read
If you read this you will find ONE THING that will make you WIN in 2020.

I kid you not.

At the end of this #THREAD you will find out a tiny secret that will set you at the edge in your industry in 2020.

#THREAD Before I share that with you, let me tell you a story.

When I was in High School I was the basketball captain. I wasn’t so tall so I played as a point guard.

There were people on the team, much better than i was, at the game of basketball. They were taller, more muscular...