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“Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.”-Søren
19 subscribers
Apr 28, 2024 10 tweets 2 min read
@MsMariaT FYI

He served as vice minister of Public Security between 2013 and 2015.

In January 2023, Liu was sentenced to death with reprieve for charges of bribery

Guo’s boss controls Public Security, and MSS.

en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liu_Yanpi… @MsMariaT Sun Lijun ,Vice-Minister of Public Security, was given the death sentence with reprieve for bribery and corruption in September 2022.

Jun 3, 2021 8 tweets 6 min read

The leaders of Guo-Bannon Himalaya Terrorists’ Cells will unite tomorrow at One Dine of One World Trade Center!

Funny how the terrorists chose the venue of their event - 1 year anniversary of their organization - the Federal State of New China. New Yorkers. Again Bannon will strike.

This organization was involved in COVID conspiracy and US election.

Bannon was pardoned. So he can do anything even beheading Fauci and director Wray. @FBI

#SteveBannon and #GuoWenGui are unstoppable. And US law cannot do anything!
Sep 22, 2020 12 tweets 16 min read
@ItsJennyChen @WIONews @palkisu @JMichaelWaller @keepmoving223 It is all Bannon-Guo. Bannon prepped her when she arrived in US. So now she is the face of the ROL foundation.

Bannon and Guo founded three organizations I called Political Brothel. It is a business lobbying for dirty politics.

Just look at everything they have done. @ItsJennyChen @WIONews @palkisu @JMichaelWaller @keepmoving223 1. They know everything and everyone from everywhere.

2. They know from fintech to virology, from space to earth, from Venezuela to Zimbabwe. They are political pimps.

3. They don’t care about anything or any one. They just need the money.
Sep 21, 2020 30 tweets 9 min read
重磅中的重磅 亚当揭秘时刻





郭文贵在发布会上展示了另一份文件,文件题头显示为"国务院办公厅、中央国家安全委员会办公室关于2017年增派何剑峰等27名国安” 落款时间为2017年4月27日。

Sep 18, 2020 21 tweets 5 min read




还意图为习获取美国情报机密 中国共产党第三号领导人物的长女,栗潜心在香港悄悄打造出一种横跨这座城市金融精英和中国政治隐秘世界的生活。

Sep 17, 2020 14 tweets 8 min read
Than you for speaking out. We have witnessed the political alliance between Guo and Bannon, and supported their cause since the start, roughly Oct 2017. Finally we realize it is a pure fraud. There are several ongoing federal investigations. Just let me fill in quickly. Guo and Bannon started running the conspiracy theory in January. Then they said they got four scientists from WuHan Lab fleeing China to Europe.

Then she suddenly emerged at Lude Media, owned by Guo WenGui in July and then Bannon’s War Room, supported by Guo. ImageImage
Sep 17, 2020 16 tweets 4 min read


Now, a person named Li-Meng Yan, who was referred to as a “whistleblower” by Fox News, is claiming that she has the big “e” word.🤣🤣

forbes.com/sites/brucelee… The trouble is they never quite got to the “what’s the evidence” part of the conversation. During the segment, Yan made various general statements but Carlson didn’t really push her to provide verifiable evidence to back her claims.

福克斯采访就半字不提有关支持病毒中国制造的佐证 Image
Sep 17, 2020 14 tweets 9 min read
Appearing on the title page of the paper is the #RuleofLawFoundation. Bannon is chairman of the Rule of Law Society, one of the foundation’s charities.

Study Claiming Coronavirus is Artificial Linked to #SteveBannon , Chinese Fugitive #GuoWengui.

newsmax.com/t/newsmax/arti… The theory of a natural origin of the coronavirus “lacks substantial support,” but “the alternative theory that the virus may have come from a research laboratory is…  strictly censored on peer-reviewed scientific journals,” according to the study, on Zenodo. Image
Sep 16, 2020 24 tweets 14 min read
What are my favorite felons up to ?

After being rejected by HongKong people, the fraudster duet launched the project #YanLiMeng!

The American science community is in an uproar. A bunch of liars and felons is running a show! ImageImageImageImage A new study purporting to show that the novel coronavirus was manufactured in a Chinese lab was published by a pair of nonprofit groups linked to Steve Bannon, the former top Trump strategist now facing felony fraud charges.
#YanLiMeng ImageImage
Sep 16, 2020 6 tweets 5 min read
#SteveBannon more fraud 💥 💥

As WAPO reported on Sunday, Bannon-Guo set up 2 other NGOs,

ROL Foundation and ROL Society!

All of these organizations are under the federal investigations of money laundering and fraud.

Steve Bannon, is defrauding in the name of PEOPLE! How did a MSS agent team up with Bannon and what is his mission? (To influence the WH to do what?)

First, how to fund lobbying in DC and paying media ?

Besides all those nonprofit organizations, Bannon-Guo set up many companies under the names of proxies!
Sep 13, 2020 56 tweets 15 min read



How former Trump adviser Steve Bannon joined forces with a Chinese billionaire who has divided the president’s allies!

washingtonpost.com/politics/steve… 8月20日,当联邦特工在康州沿海地区逮捕班农时,他正在一位哗众取宠的中国亿万富翁的150英尺游艇上休闲,郭文贵寻求美国的庇护问题分裂了川普总统的高层政治同盟!

Sep 11, 2020 5 tweets 3 min read
What to Make of #GuoWenGui

When #SteveBannon was arrested on fraud charges, he was sunning on the yacht of #GuoWenGui, also known as #MilesKwok . Guo, a powerful Bannon funder, is facing an FBI investigation into a company of his own—also linked to Bannon foreignpolicy.com/2020/08/26/guo… “Guo is often labeled as an activist or a dissident, but he is neither. He is a familiar type in emigre circles: the man who loses a power struggle at home and then flees abroad, where he tries to present himself as offering insider insight into his home country.” ImageImage
Sep 6, 2020 21 tweets 11 min read
More indictment for Bannon!

#GTV linked to #SteveBannon and exiled Chinese businessman #GuoWenGui raised more than $300 million in a private offering this spring that is now being investigated by federal and state authorities!

wsj.com/articles/fundr… JPMorgan Chase & Co. and Wells Fargo & Co. have frozen accounts tied to fundraising for the company, GTV Media Group

Bank of America Corp. also closed an account for GTV Media’s parent company #SARACA shortly after it was opened in recent months.
Sep 6, 2020 10 tweets 3 min read

1. Demos陌陌

2. 威廉爆料金曲


Sep 5, 2020 14 tweets 5 min read
Good interview taking us down the memory lane searching for the answers and filling in the blank.

There are dark activities that have influenced our government and policies, and our lives.

Just sharing!

@BenKTallmadge @Avery1776

You are right about Tony Blair!
As evidence submitted to court recently by The Sherry Netherland, a letter by former United Kingdom Prime Minister Tony Bliar has said highly of Chinese exiled billionaire Miles Kwok being “dependable, sincere and extremely responsible” ImageImage
Sep 3, 2020 4 tweets 3 min read
#spymaster #GuoWenGui and #SteveBannon

So much mystery about this fraud duet! When did it start?


2015年 郭文贵利用David Boies律师推荐进入十八楼,爆革最大的场景道具



#郭文贵 #班农 #Weinstein #Boies ImageImage 重要时间线!


1. 十八楼 2015/3
3. Lady May
4. 马拉哥会员!



Sep 1, 2020 7 tweets 5 min read
Why are #GuoWenGui and #SteveBannon using #PeterNavarro to spread #YanLimeng HOAX?

It is very intriguing to watch. Before you watch, do you background check and #YanLiMeng is not a virologist nor an infectious disease specialist. So many red flags.

But why does Navarro want? Image
Aug 31, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read


这个就是和 Bannon一起忽悠中国人的骗子!是法治基金董事!


@PercyFookes @7lt7UTtTim9JHov Image 他炮制过大量关于郭文贵的新闻!原来是被蓝金黄了!要不要个B脸?

才10万元!看他拿钱报道的这一系列文章!在war room那些冷饭早在2018年底就讲过了!

你们不问问Bill Gertz从哪里得来的白宫内幕?

washingtontimes.com/news/2017/oct/… Image
Aug 25, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
61398部队是中国人民解放军的一支精英网络战部队,在上海大院内运作,据估计该部队数百名黑客昼夜工作,从西方高科技产业和政治目标中偷窃数据。 该部门由中共最杰出的领导人的指挥,为该党五年计划中所选择的行业窃取知识产权,商业计划,定价文件和电子邮件。 globalnews.ca/news/7275588/i… 在2013年,61398黑客攻击了141个北美实体!

华为由前解放军工程师任正非于1987年成立。 中国共产党从1986年到1990年的五年计划是“加快能源,通信,电信和原材料产业的建设。”

这就是中国共产党侵略北美的计划!华为中兴控制全世界!你还记得有Nortel,思科? Image
Aug 19, 2020 12 tweets 6 min read


摩根大通和富国银行已经冻结了与GTV Media Group的筹款相关的账户。 美国银行在最近他们开户几个月后关闭了GTV Media母公司的帐户。

@keepmoving223 我们的豆豆是英雄❤️

联邦调查由联邦调查局和证券交易委员会进行。 调查人员一直在调查GTV Media或郭先生的联系人是否通过私募配售违反了证券法。 这些人说,纽约州总检察长办公室也在研究此事。

筹款后不久,一些投资者表示他们从未收到过官方文件来证明自己对GTV Media的投资,因此开始敦促退款。
May 13, 2020 4 tweets 4 min read
Something you might not know about Li Fei Fei

1. Her dad went to work at the THIRD FRONT in Chengdu. So she was born in Beijing but grew up in Chengdu.

2. Her dad miraculously came to New Jersey in 1988?! How?! Why?!

PLA?! Her dad was an engineer of PLA who worked at the THIRD FRONT in Chengdu (you guys can research all the underground GREAT WALL projects of CCP’s PLA that might have led to 2008 SiChuan earthquake. )

@BenKTallmadge @abresler @Jkylebass @robert_spalding

More about her dad👇🏿