Nityānanda Miśra (मिश्रोपाख्यो नित्यानन्दः) Profile picture
IIM Bangalore (2007). Finance professional. Onomastician. Author of thirteen books on Sanskrit & Hinduism. Latest book: Krishna-Niti. Please DM for name advice.
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Jun 22, 2022 9 tweets 1 min read
Forty words for/related to kissing in Sanskrit

अधरपानम्—drinking the lips

अधररसपानम्—drinking nectar from the lips

अनुघ्राणम्—smelling (=kissing) repeatedly

अभिचुम्बनम्—touching with the face (=lips) on both sides

अवघ्रः—an act of smelling (=kissing) with determination

अवघ्राणम्—smelling (=kissing) with determination

आघ्राणम्—smelling (=kissing) all around

आचुम्बनम्—touching with the face (=lips) all around

आरेहणम्—licking all around

आस्यन्धयः/आस्यन्धयी—he/she who drinks from the mouth (=a kisser)

Apr 1, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
On All Fools’ day, learn ten #Sanskrit words for a fool

‘ajna’ (अज्ञ): “one who does not know”

‘astadhi’ (अस्तधी): “one who has thrown away their intellect”, “or one whose intellect has set [like the sun at night]”

‘devanampriya’ (देवानाम्प्रिय): “dear to the gods”

‘balisha’ (बालिश): “one associated with a fish-hook”, i.e. one who can be deceived like fish are by a fish-hook

‘mudha’ (मूढ): “one who has been confused/bewildered”

‘murkha’ (मूर्ख): “one who is confused/bewildered [easily]”

Dec 16, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read

What does it mean when elders bless us in Sanskrit as “āyuṣmān bhava” (आयुष्मान् भव, for a male) or “āyuṣmatī bhava” (आयुष्मती भव, for a female)?

The commonly understood meaning is “may you have a long life”.

This is correct, for the primary meaning of ‘āyuṣmat’ (आयुष्मत्), from which ‘āyuṣmān’ and ‘āyuṣmatī’ are derived, is “long-lived” (Apte).

However, this is not the only meaning.

The suffix ‘-mat’ in ‘āyuṣmat’ also has the sense of praise.

Dec 13, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
‘काशी’ नाम का अर्थ

Meaning of the name ‘Kashi’

[Hindi video]

YouTube link: 

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Dec 6, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
Derivation and meaning of ‘nididhyāsana’

‘निदिध्यासन’ की व्युत्पत्ति और अर्थ

[Video in Hindi]

Full video link: 

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Nov 20, 2021 6 tweets 5 min read

१/६ २/६
Nov 17, 2021 7 tweets 3 min read
This thread is full of schoolboy errors. This is what happens when people who have no basic knowledge of Sanskrit grope in the dark and imagine meanings.

Let us see the blunders in this thread, one tweet at a time.

1/n Claim: "हन्यन्ते derives from हंत्व".

Truth: हन्यन्ते is a verbal conjugation: 3rd-person plural (प्रथमपुरुष-बहुवचन), present tense (लट् लकार), passive voice (कर्मणि प्रयोग), from √हन् = “to kill” and also “to strike” (Apte).

हन्यन्ते is not from हंत्व

Nov 9, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
क्या ‘पति’ का अर्थ “स्वामी, मालिक” और ‘पत्नी’ का अर्थ “गुलाम, दासी” है?

क्या इसी कारण से हमारे देश में घरेलू हिंसा है?

“सत्यमेव जयते” कार्यक्रम पर कमला भसीन की निराधार और निरर्थक बातों का उत्तर।

यूट्यूब पर: 

१/४ २/४
Oct 6, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
‘नवरात्रि’ अथवा ‘नवरात्र’? क्या शुद्ध है? इसपर अंग्रेज़ी विकिपीडिया भी भ्रान्त है।

‘Navarātri’ or ‘navarātra’? Which is correct? Even English Wikipedia is wrong on this.

Full video on YouTube:

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Sep 26, 2021 8 tweets 1 min read
Mahābhārata versus Nilesh Oak

Mahābhārata 12.171.18 (GP edn, CE 12.165.16)—

विशेषतस्तु कार्त्तिक्यां द्विजेभ्यः संप्रयच्छति।
शरद्व्यपाये रत्नानि पौर्णमास्यामिति श्रुतिः॥
viśeṣatastu kārttikyāṃ dvijebhyaḥ saṃprayacchati
śaradvyapāye ratnāni paurṇamāsyāmiti śrutiḥ

Translation by Kisari Mohan Ganguli: “Especially, on the day of full moon in the month of Kartika, after the expiry of autumn, the king used to give unto the Brahmanas much wealth of diverse kinds.”

Sep 23, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
As I produce more video content across multiple platforms, I would like your feedback.

Please answer the questions in this thread.

Q 1: What do you prefer for longer videos (>140 seconds) on Twitter: multiple clips in a Twitter thread or YouTube link in one tweet?

Q2: What langauge do you prefer for the videos? English, Hindi, or a mix of both English and Hindi?

Sep 22, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
कन्यादान (भाग २)

१) दान gift, donation, भीख नहीं है

२) कन्यादान = कन्या + दान (कन्या + आदान नहीं)

३) कन्यादान मध्ययुग से नहीं प्रारम्भ हुआ, गृह्यसूत्र-रामायण-महाभारत में वर्णन है

४) कन्यादान विधि में दुलहा वचन देता है वह पत्नी के साथ धर्म, अर्थ, और काम में छल नहीं करेगा

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Sep 16, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read

Do you know the connection between the names of an ancient Mauryan queen and a modern tabla virtuoso?

A Facebook user asked me, “What does Tishyarakshita mean? It is the name of a former IAS officer, Tishyarakshita Chatterjee.”

My answer follows.

1/n Tissarakkha (Abanindranath Tagore) and Allarakha Khan (India The name is ‘tiṣyarakṣitā’ (तिष्यरक्षिता), a rare name.

‘Tiṣya’ (तिष्य, “in whom one is pleased or delighted”) and ‘sidhya’ (सिध्य, “in whom [actions] are accomplished”) are both names of the ‘puṣya’ (पुष्य, “he who nourishes or supports [actions]”) asterism.

Sep 13, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
What is Hindutva? Is it the same as Hinduism?

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Sep 13, 2021 6 tweets 1 min read

Question: “Many North Indians have the last name ‘Singh’. Why do they write and pronounce ‘Singh’ when the word is ‘simha’/सिंह? In Hindi they pronounce सिंघ but write सिंह. For example, Rajnath Singh is राजनाथ सिंह in Hindi. I am from South, I find it unusual.”

My answer

Yes, the original Sanskrit is ‘siṃha’ (सिंह), “a lion”. However, in Prakrit this becomes ‘sīha’, ‘siṃgha’, or ‘siṅgha’.

In the ancient Prakrit Grammar Prākṛta-prakāśa, by rule ईत्सिंहजिह्वयोश्च (1.17), Sanskrit ‘siṃha’ (सिंह) becomes Prakrit ‘sīha’ (सीह).

Aug 29, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read

गुरुदेव (@JagadguruJi) कृत महावीरी व्याख्या का चतुर्थ संस्करण निःशुल्क अधोभारण (free download) और सशुल्क क्रय के लिए उपलब्ध है।

पुस्तक यहाँ से अधोभारित (download) करें—…

पुस्तक यहाँ से मंगाएँ—

पुस्तक का विवरण अधोलिखित है— ImageImage शीर्षक: श्रीहनुमान्-चालीसा—महावीरी व्याख्या सहित

विषयवस्तु: गोस्वामी तुलसीदास कृत श्रीहनुमान्-चालीसा पर जगद्गुरु रामभद्राचार्य कृत महावीरी व्याख्या का चतुर्थ संस्करण। विशिष्ट शब्दार्थ और अनुवाद सहित व्याख्या। पद्यार्धानुक्रमणी, शब्दानुक्रमणी, और हनुमान्‌जीकी आरती सम्मिलित।
Aug 28, 2021 10 tweets 4 min read

The cotton tree (Bombax ceiba L.), called ‘Śālmali’ in Sanskrit and ‘semal’/‘semar’ in Hindi, is well known in Sanskrit literature. One is amazed on seeing the rich set of names used for this tree in Sanskrit. The names indicate a very close observation of nature.

1/n Image 1) ‘kaṇṭakadruma’ (कण्टकद्रुम): “the thorny tree”. The stem of the tree has conical spines

2) ‘devavṛkṣa’ (देववृक्ष): “the tree of the gods”. As per the Mahābhārata (XII.156.7, Gita Press edition), Pitāmaha (Brahmā) rested under a Śālmali tree after creating the worlds.

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Aug 15, 2021 6 tweets 1 min read

‘स्वतन्त्र’ और ‘स्वतन्त्रा’

“जयतात्संस्कृता भाषा जयताद्भारतं तथा”।

आज भारत का स्वतन्त्रता-दिवस है। आज के दिन जन्मे बालक के लिए ‘स्वतन्त्र’ और बालिका के लिए ‘स्वतन्त्रा’ नाम उपयुक्त है। ये दोनों नाम पौराणिक और अन्य सहस्रनामों में प्राप्त हैं।

१/बहु गणेश-पुराण के गणेश-सहस्रनाम में ‘स्वतन्त्र’ गणेश का नाम है। “स्वतन्त्रः सत्यसङ्कल्पः सामगानरतः सुखी”। इस नाम पर भास्करराय खद्योत भाष्य में लिखते हैं—“स्वतन्त्रः स्वयमेवासि नानातन्त्रात्मना यतः”, अर्थात् जो स्वयं नाना तन्त्रों के आत्मा (=सार) सहित हैं वे ‘स्वतन्त्र’ हैं।

Aug 14, 2021 10 tweets 2 min read
Schwa syncope is not limited to Hindi. It is present in many northern, western, and eastern Indian languages.

What's more. Schwa syncope in Sanskrit names is today very common in South India.

Let us take the example of Karnataka. In December 2020, 90 out of 234 members of ... the Karnataka Legislative Assembly had Sanskrit names which were spelt in Kannada without the terminal schwa. That is more than 35%.

If we omit (1) Sanskrit names not ending in a (2) Kannadized Sanskrit names ending in -appa, -aiah etc (3) names of women (4) Muslim names, ...
Aug 13, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read

‘नीरज’ = निर्मल, रजोगुणरहित (=सात्त्विक), शिव

नीरज चोपड़ा को स्वर्ण पदक मिलने के पश्चात् उनके नाम के अर्थ को लेकर बहुत चर्चा चली। अधिकांश लोगों से पूछें तो ‘नीरज’ नाम का अर्थ ‘कमल’ ही बताते हैं। ‘नीर’ = ‘जल, पानी’, और ‘नीर’ में जनमने वाला है ‘नीरज’ = ‘कमल’।

१/बहु यह सत्य है संस्कृत में ‘नीरज’ शब्द का एक अर्थ ‘कमल’ है, पर इस अर्थ में प्रायः ‘नीरज’ शब्द नपुंसकलिङ्ग है। अपि च, ‘नीरज’ का ‘कमल’ अर्थ किसी व्यक्ति अथवा देवता पर घटित नहीं होता। ‘नीरजाक्ष’ = ‘कमलनेत्र’ फिर भी हो सकता है, पर केवल ‘नीरज’ = ‘कमल’ ऐसा अर्थ नहीं।

Aug 8, 2021 9 tweets 4 min read

Bajrang, Vajrang (vajrāṅga, वज्राङ्ग), Hanumān, and Guru Hanuman

Bajrang Punia won a bronze in the men’s freestyle 65kg wresting event at the Tokyo Olympics yesterday. I was asked about the origin of the name ‘Bajrang’.

1/n ImageImageImage The name ‘Bajrang’ comes from Sanskrit ‘vajrāṅga’ (वज्राङ्ग), a word which means “he whose body/limbs (aṅga) is/are [hard/strong] like ‘vajra’ (diamond or Indra’s weapon)” (वज्रमिवाङ्गं यस्य स वज्राङ्गः, यद्वा वज्रमिवाङ्गानि यस्य स वज्राङ्गः).
