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🇺🇸 #BidenHarris2024 🇺🇸 #NukeTheFilibuster — End the tyranny of the Minority. Vote out pro-Kremlin Republicans. #ExpandTheCourt. No lists w/o prior agreem't.
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Jan 14, 2024 10 tweets 4 min read
@GregTSargent Douthat's take is refuted by the facts:

1. If the mob was only "reacting", why did they a) interfere only on the day of the count, b) arrive in DC the day before, c) bring weapons?

@GregTSargent If the mob wasn't part of Mr. Trump's plan, why did he insist that the metal detectors be removed when he learned that some of the mob had firearms, saying "They're not here to hurt me" ?

Nov 26, 2022 11 tweets 2 min read
I predict:

The Special Counsel's indictments will include RICO charges, defrauding the United States, and seditious conspiracy.

The Council for National Policy will be found the strategic HQ for the GOP's campaign to undermine our democracy, with RNC as Comms HQ.

The CNP hosted two Fascist-leaning indoctrination and messaging conferences by Europe's leading dictator, Viktor Orbàn.

Their agenda matches David Koch's 1980 Libertarian Party platform.

They promote anti-democratic strategy, including the Impostor Electors plot.

Jun 23, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
Richard Engel: All anyone is going to think is that you went through 2 Attorneys General in 2 weeks until you found the environmental guy...

The story isn't going to be that DOJ found massive corruption [in] the election ..., it's going to be the disaster of Jeff Clarke.

Richard Engel (recounting Pat Cipillone's response to RE's prior point, above): "Yeah, this letter [to the 7 swing states' legislatures inviting 'alternate' slates of electors] is a murder-suicide pact."

Apr 14, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
The Ukrainian (locally made) missile attack on Russia's Black Sea Fleet's flagship, the cruiser "Moskva", forced the crew to abandon ship.

The Moskva had once demanded that border guards on Snake Island surrender, drawing a famous response.

➡️… It just so happens that Ukraine had designed a stamp to commemorate the heroism of the border guards on Snake Island who famously defied a Russian warship.

The stamp was issued on the day that a Ukrainian missile attack nearly sank her, forcing the crew to abandon ship.
Mar 21, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
"The General Staff reported the Russian Black Sea Fleet is replacing 130 insubordinate soldiers in the 810th Naval Infantry Brigade with paratroopers from the 7th Airborne Assault Division – a measure highly likely to cause greater unit cohesion problems."

These marines from the Russian Black Sea Fleet were sent to fight near Kyiv, but disobeyed orders, refusing combat.

Russia's paratroopers are considered the elite, but they are light infantry, and their capabilities are overhyped.

Feb 8, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
Remember the constant Republican witch hunting committees and press briefings about Hillary Clinton's:

- following protocol by deleting State Dept comm'ns over 7 years old, and

- "mishandling" of 3 improperly-marked emails that the GOP claimed could be stolen by Russia?

Trump & Co:
- leaked Israeli intelligence to Russian senior officials while alone with them in the Oval Office
- held 6+ solo meetings with Putin he destroyed the records to
- had 270 secret contacts w/ Russians

Dec 23, 2021 4 tweets 3 min read
@mikepompeo An NPR reporter asked Mike Pompous about his dismissal of anti-corruption crusader Amb. Yovanovich.

He pretended that he was not prepared to discuss it, and she had no right to ask (both false).

He then lured her to his office & verbally abused her.
@mikepompeo He asked her if she (a NatSec reporter) could find Ukraine on a map. When presented with the arbitrary test in Pompous's attempt to humiliate her, she aced it.

When she reported this interaction, he claimed it was "off the record" (as if that's a shield for abysmal conduct).

Oct 19, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
I wonder how Mitch McConnell is feeling right now about having wangled relaxed sanctions for Deripaska in exchange for being able to promise investment in an aluminum mill in Kentucky by his firm Rusal.

1/ Deripaska's firm Rusal was under sanctions for his close ties to Putin.
Then, suddenly in 2019, Deripaska benefited from a sanctions waiver on Rusal, and he committed to investing $200 MM in Braidy Industries' aluminum mill project in Kentucky.

Oct 15, 2021 8 tweets 5 min read
@stevenmazie On multiple occasions, Senator Sheldon Whitehouse has amply demonstrated that:

- Libertarian billionaires run an extremist farm team for right wing judges (the Federalist Society) with a legislative viewpoint skewed enough to violate precedent

@stevenmazie Senator Sheldon Whitehouse has amply demonstrated that:

- Libertarian billionaires' fund lavish dark money campaigns to endorse their picks for the courts and undermine critics

- McConnell stole Garland & Barrett's seats using arbitrary goalposts

Sep 10, 2021 10 tweets 3 min read
A. Peace demands security.

B. A gov't balances security vs freedom.

C. Gov't extremes:
Anarchy sacrifices security; autocracy, freedom.

D. The social contract is an agreed balance of security vs freedom.

E. Responsibility is honoring it.
F. In a democracy, the majority sets / readjusts the balance between security and freedom.

G. The majority delegates implem'n & oper'n tasks to a prof'l mgmt org (the Executive), but it cannot delegate all decision-making or oversight authorities and remain a democracy.

Sep 2, 2021 5 tweets 3 min read
@jasonintrator Germany was in the middle of the Great Depression, with record unemployment and a collapsed currency.

The US leads in only a few industries (weapons, entertainment), has a tiny steel industry, little low-tech mfg, and a plague of anti-intellectualism.

@jasonintrator It isn't the condition of the economy or the institutions that decides.

It is the single-minded focus of one political party to sour the public on democracy by throwing sand in the gears, rampant obstructing, and diminishing the people's control over gov't.

Aug 8, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
Orbán is Hungary's dictator:

- fear-mongers re immigrants to play 'savior'
- packed the courts
- seized 90% of the media
- blasts propaganda
- skews elections w/ ghost candidates, gerrymandering
- installs cronies
- rewrote the constitution to suit
1/… Orbán seized absolute power in Hungary as soon as his party won a supermajority in 2010.

He has abused his control to:

- intimidate companies into selling out to himself and his oligarch cronies
- persecute critics with trumped-up charges
- rig gov't contracts for his allies
Aug 4, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
Why is Ron DeSantis trailing state Rep. Charlie Crist in a poll of Florida voters?

Could it have something to do with this? Image Charlie Crist, the leading Democratic contender in Florida's gubernatorial race, has been both the state's governor and its attorney general.

He leads DeSantis in a poll of likely voters.

Florida is
36% D
39% R
25% I

so Independents will decide the election.
Aug 4, 2021 8 tweets 3 min read
Trump also co-opted the powers of Congress.

a. He appointed unqualified "Acting" officials, then repeatedly kept them past the 90-day limit by subterfuge (nominating a strawman replacement and then w/drawing the nom to reset the timer). Chad Wolf comes to mind.

1/ Trump co-opted the powers of Congress-2

b. He ignored Congress's authority to regulate the purse, declaring a fake nat'l emergency to bypass limits on budget realloc'n to steal money from the military budget to fund a wall Congress repeatedly denied.
Aug 4, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
Libertarian extremist billionaires have hijacked the GOP. They're supported by people who dread the diversification of America.

Now they cloak their attempt to reverse that progress in hyper-patriotism. But as each American institution reflects tolerance, they turn on it.

Vox's Zack Beauchamp breaks down what's so dangerous about the monster the Republican Party has become.

He explains why they're attacking hallowed US institutions like the police, the Olympic Team, and the Judicial branch.…
Jul 28, 2021 6 tweets 3 min read
@sandibachom The DC National Guard is under the direct command of the US president. The authority to activate them is delegated down to the Secretary of the Army.

1/ @sandibachom On January 6th, the Secretary of the Army was *already* authorized to activate the National Guard as he saw fit.


On January 4th, Trump's newly-appointed Acting Sec Def Miller hog-tied their response, strictly limiting their use, weapons, armor & coordination.

Jul 23, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
The Right's hyper-focus on banning abortion is a ruse.

It's the most myopically narrow application of a so-called "pro-life" philosophy you could imagine: no concern for the child after it's born, no concern for the mother's welfare, and no accountability for the man.

Abortion has been going on for centuries. But the Right's attention to it only appeared when they realized they were losing the battle for voters. So Paul Weyrich and Pat Buchanan hatched the so-called "Moral Majority" hoax, and duped Evangelicals into signing up.

Feb 15, 2021 15 tweets 6 min read
@BeschlossDC The trial of Aaron Burr for treason demonstrates that Trump's Insurrection qualifies as treason.
Here's why:

a. In 1806, Burr recruited current & former US army and govt officials to engage in a scheme to seize all land west of the Allegheny and form a new nation.

@BeschlossDC b. Some joined in his idea of forming a gov't for the region, w/out realizing he was planning secession. Upon that discovery, they warned Jefferson.

c. Burr planned to seize New Orleans as his capital. He assembled men, munitions, transport & depots on the Mississippi.

Feb 14, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
This is denialism.

The Republican Party has been hemorrhaging voters, trying to recruit from the dregs of society: white supremacists, anti-gov't survivalists & anarchists, NeoNazis, gullible Evangelicals, and other 'underserved' groups.

1/… They offered this toxic stew of malcontents mirages like:

- Abortions banned
- Regulations lifted w/out compromising rights/safety/lives
- Deported immigrants
- Oppressed & terrified Blacks/Muslims/Asians/ Native Americans, and
- Bogus 'patriotism'.

Feb 14, 2021 5 tweets 3 min read
@scottjshapiro McConnell:

- Fabricated pretexts to acquit Trump, twice
- Fabricated, then moved goalposts from Garland to Barrett
- Quashed serious questions on Kavanaugh's history, perjury, debts, crimes (theft of docs, assaults) & character
- Rationalized a Ponzi scheme tax cut
- ...

@scottjshapiro - Lifted sanctions on a Russian oligarch, endorsing Putin's Ukraine invasion

- Stood by while Trump
~ created 2,000 orphans
~ tortured thousands of immigrants w/ inadequate bedding, heat, clothing, sanitation & healthcare
~ sabotaged US #COVID19 response, killing 400k

Feb 13, 2021 6 tweets 1 min read
Can we *please* have a Speaker of the House who can speak?

Pelosi is incredibly inept at being clear, cogent, crisp, and sharing the limelight.

Everything she said could have been communicated in about 6 sentences.

a. McConnell used subterfuge to create an unnecessary delay.

b. He claimed his own subterfuge justified acquittal; it did not. At most, it justified a dissenting Senator's *not participating*. Acquittal *only* means the defendant is not guilty.
