I want to point out one of the most sinister and disingenuous arguments I've heard from conservatives regarding the rights of marginalized communities.
It's an argument I've seen hundreds of times, it's very common, and it goes like this: 🪡
(For this example, the subject at hand is gay marriage, pre-legalization)
"Gay people have the same rights as anyone else. What rights do I have that gay people don't?"
"I don't have the right to marry a consenting adult of the same sex."
"I don't have that right either! See?-
Nov 17, 2022 • 29 tweets • 6 min read
Alright, I'm pissed off.
So please, allow me to logically refute the open letter recently published by numerous women's organizations in support of a certain abuser and disgraced actress.
Line. by. line. 🪡
"Five months ago, the verdict in the defamation trial between [JD] and [AH] deeply concerned many professionals in the fields of intimate partner and sexual violence."
I could only find a handful, maybe less, of (relevant) experts who have actually stated that this verdict-