Mr. Orange Profile picture
Born, went to kindergarden, primary school, high school, now university. Loved football and global politics ever since primary school.
Oct 23, 2020 15 tweets 8 min read
So, who joined #IS but has been ordered to keep it quite (by al-Qurashî's audio)? The keeping it quite part IMO rules out groups with a monopoly on jihâdist violence in their area. #IS has never been shy to announce such acquisitions even when this meant international scrunity. / Cases in point would be its provinces in Libya and the Phillipines whose territorial control was crushed by bombings of international coalitions. I don't think that this approach has changed when looking at Mozambique right now. 2/
Nov 26, 2019 4 tweets 1 min read
Okay, this Europol on Telegram thing worked, easily the heaviest hit jihâdism online has ever taken. I like how most of the old channels simply lost their admins, the channels are still available as an archive. Good for research. In the past most action was intended to wipe propaganda - especially videos - from the web. Made it somewhat annoying to search for older things but really didn't work.
Sep 30, 2019 5 tweets 3 min read
As @azelin just posted, a previously unknown jihâdist group - Humât al-Tawhîd - has claimed killing King Salmân b. 'Abd al-'Azîz's bodyguard 'Abd al-'Azîz al-Fagham. #KSA @azelin The group first appeared in early September, their first statement "Fight the Allies of Satan" is dated 02 Muharram 1441. The group has since released two short video clips and a number of short infographics detailing its belief system.
Apr 22, 2019 10 tweets 4 min read
Okay, after the photo of the Zahrân Hâshim with a weapon in front of the well-known flag used among others by #IS and the intelligence memo mentioning him and the group blamed by the #SriLankan gov. for the attacks leaked, I think it rather likely that he was involved. The guy has been described as pro-#IS, so the remaining question is whether this is directed or inspired. Considering that the information mentioned in the memo seems to have come from India, I believe in an Indian connection to all this.