Mrs N Profile picture
You know the old trope If you're not a socialist at 20, no heart, and a capitalist at 40, no brain? I seem to have done that backwards. RT usually endorsement
Jan 24, 2020 9 tweets 4 min read
I am.
There’s so much I don’t like going on, stuff that scares me.
To cheer myself up I thought I’d write a list of things I’d like to happen, in #auspoI and the world:
1. An emissions trading scheme.
2. Indigenous voice to Parliament
3. #changethedate
4. Federal ICAC But wait! There’s more!
5. Transition plans for renewable energy jobs for those currently in mining
6. Publicly funded elections
7. A national job guarantee
8. Newstart set at 50% of median wage
9. Commitment to social housing
10. Some bankers in prison would be nice? #auspol