Pharmacist / ACP in general practice - skilled with anticoagulants, unskilled on a snowboard.
May 18, 2022 • 8 tweets • 10 min read
@PharmRJ@DrJamesBoorer@CardioPharmUK@DrRaniKhatib@MHRAmedicines Well I'm just gonna wade in mega late to this DOAC/renal chat. The summary, as I've interpreted it, is: Use CrCl by Cockcrof-Gault (CG) method with (for most people) actual body weight.
Why? 1) This is what was used in phase 3 clinical trials. With actual body weight.
1/n@PharmRJ@DrJamesBoorer@CardioPharmUK@DrRaniKhatib@MHRAmedicines 2) the purpose of the calculation is to determine the dose of DOAC, it is NOT to get an accurate estimation of the person's renal function (this might sound ridiculous but it's an important concept!)
Apr 7, 2021 • 17 tweets • 8 min read
Vaccine associated thrombocytopenic thrombosis from the eyes of general practice - a thread 🧵 #CovidVaccine#AZ
The JCVI announcement today recommends to offer alternative #CovidVaccine to AZ in healthy adults < 30 years old (i.e. no underlying health conditions):…