Mwarimū Mūtemi wa Kīama Profile picture
Co-Chair @AfricansRising. Revolutionary & Community Organizer, High Priest & Chief Evangelist — UTU — at Mzalendo Halisi Foundation @UtuNaUzalendoKE
Isaac Tuei🇰🇪🇺🇦 Profile picture maina Profile picture Aikaruwa Profile picture Senior Counsel Profile picture GAME STORE KE 🎮 Profile picture 13 subscribed
Jan 9, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
Advise from a Medical Doctor to all men for 2022... Thread:

A medical doctor decided to send some words of advice to gentlemen via WhatsApp. The advice is simple and straightforward. Feel free to share with every man out there. 1. You cannot settle all financial expenses in one day. Those who did are stressfully sick and some are buried already.

2. Please create time to rest, it is not a sin to sit down , put up your legs on the table and pick popcorn whilst reading a book or just relaxing
Aug 3, 2021 18 tweets 3 min read
Thread on growth... #Copied

As you get older, you begin to zero down on your options. There’s a certain pruning that begins to happen. You begin entering an energy-saving mode. You begin to ignore some things. You become particular about the battles you pick. You will be in the middle of an argument and deep down you wonder; “why do I care?”
Jul 5, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
I am a traumatized Kenyan. Thread...

In the last one year there have been so many fundraisers, most for medical bills and funerals. Very few for ruracio & weddings.

I am in 7 groups last one month alone. Family, close friends, colleagues. Commodity prices and taxation are through the roof. Cost of transportation, rent, education are unmanageable. Bills are now crazy after the excise duty increase.
Jul 4, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
A thread By Wachira Waihere (ex nyayo torture chambers Political Prisoner)

About our colleague Njonjo Mue...

I have watched the sermon that he delivered to the congregation at Karura Church in 2019 and I am having second thoughts.

Watch and listen...

We should go beyond seeing his nakedness in the now-viral video but try to decipher the message that he was trying to send across.
Apr 14, 2021 13 tweets 4 min read
By @WahomeThuku


A young man called Dennis Murigi (born 1998) rents a single room somewhere in Nairobi Eastlands. Months later he vacates the room and goes back to his parents' home. He leaves the key with a friend. The friend steals a T-shirts printing machines and a lap top somewhere in Gikomba and hides them in the room without the knowledge of Dennis.

@NPSOfficial_KE trace the items in the room. Dennis is arrested. Meanwhile the real thief escapes.
Mar 29, 2021 28 tweets 5 min read

Thread the ongoing #SGBV & rape By @jacobaliet

There are several snakes of all sizes that are harmless to humans. In fact, they can be safely kept as pets and as a control for rodents.... However, there are also several venomous snakes and constrictors that are dangerous to humans.

So, what have humans done to deal with this situation?
Mar 29, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
Bishop Peter Ambuka to Jayden... Moto sana! 🔥🔥🔥

1/ Bishop Peter Ambuka to Jayden... Moto sana 🔥🔥🔥

Mar 25, 2021 32 tweets 6 min read
#Relationships... Thread

My Wife’s Salary Was a Mystery Until I discovered How Much She’s Truly Worth

In 2016 she told me her salary was GHC950. And then two years later, when she got promoted, I asked about her salary and she said, “Oh these people, don’t mind them. They added only Ghc350 to my old salary. Because of her meagre salary, I’ve taken up so many responsibilities in the house without complaint. I pay for utilities and pay for food. I pay the fees of our two kids, clothe them, and take care of their medical bills.
Oct 19, 2020 15 tweets 11 min read
Good afternoon class!

Here is a thread of a post I did on October 12 2017

The colonialists always appointed Africans with flawed character to positions that had influence.


#TekelezaKatiba Movement

#NoToShamElections! People who had skeletons in the closet or people ready to betray their communities and could even kill their own mothers. Chiefs, DOs, Legislative Council members, presidents and PMs who took over at "independence".


Sep 26, 2020 20 tweets 15 min read
These Unprecedented Times Call for Business Unusual!

These are unprecedented times. Never in our recent history, have we not had an opposition party or group to check the excesses of the Executive. @KLM_VUMA

#KongamanoLaMageuzi #PoliticalEducationKE #FagiaWote Even during the dark days of the single-party rule of the Moi dictatorship, voices of dissent still existed, despite the constant danger of imprisonment, torture and assassination.

#KongamanoLaMageuzi #PoliticalEducationKE #FagiaWote
Sep 16, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
This video was shot in 2009 shortly after the #GoK forcefully evicted Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) from the 2007/2008 Post Election Violence (PEV) from the main camps and hid them in satellite camps away from local and international media glare. It was produced by journalists Gatũ wa Mbaria and John Njerũ with the aim of letting Kenyans know the plight of the desperate people and possibly help them.

Sep 8, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
The Senate is quarrelling over some 314 billion while Counties are dying and ethnic sycophants are cheering! This country is crap!


#PoliticalEducationKE… In the last financial year, Kenya paid Kshs 437b as interest on public debt.

Of this amount KShs 315b was spent on domestic debt service while Kshs 122b was spent on foreign debt service.

Sep 7, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
Candid message from Ruto to his boss Uhuru... (We know who the owner of these barking dogs is)

1/ Candid message from Ruto to his boss Uhuru... (We know who the owner of these barking dogs is)

Aug 23, 2020 4 tweets 3 min read
"Ordinary Citizens of a great nation will forever be treated better than successful Citizens of a failed country." - Fela Durotoye

Together we can make Kenya a successful national.


1/ "Ordinary Citizens of a great nation will forever be treated better than successful Citizens of a failed country." - Fela Durotoye

Together we can make Kenya a successful national.


Aug 18, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
Mali Coup, a thread:

African leaders drafted for themselves a Constitution that bans coups or if you wish to call it military take-over of power. They did it so that they stay in power for as long as they want, even against the wishes of the people.

#PoliticalEducationKE African leaders consider the States they rule as their personal property. They employ their incompetent relatives and practice rampant theft/corruption with impunity. They subject ordinary people to untold suffering resulting in abject poverty.

Aug 17, 2020 6 tweets 4 min read
Thread by @NdunguWainaina

The unfortunate events in @Senate_KE are a very dangerous early warning signal of the open role of security forces in determining the political and public affairs trajectory in #Kenya.

#PoliticalEducationKE The threats and intimidation to @Senate_KE due to revenue sharing basis has a serious chilling effect. It is a direct assault on the Constitution and democracy. It signals dangerous days ahead for every Kenyan.

Aug 17, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
Good afternoon class!

Watch, listen and learn how a leader and a statesman articulates his vision for his country. This is Lee Kuan Yew, the late Prime Minister of Singapore. He is the man whose vision and work built modern Singapore.


1/4 Watch, listen and learn how a leader and a statesman articulates his vision for his country. This is Lee Kuan Yew, the late Prime Minister of Singapore. He is the man whose vision and work built modern Singapore.


Aug 4, 2020 6 tweets 6 min read
Good evening class!

Why are you agreeing to be distracted with this #RevenueFormula nonsense? Ati #LANDsizeVSpeople when the Kenyattans have all the productive land?

Discuss (40 Marks)

#PoliticalEducationKE thread👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾 ImageImageImageImage Three suspected fraudsters, who have been described by the @NPSOfficial_KE as notorious, were on Monday charged with conspiracy to defraud contrary to section 317 of the penal code.

#PoliticalEducationKE ImageImageImageImage
Aug 3, 2020 51 tweets 17 min read
A while back I posted that so-called top schools have done disservice to Kenya by producing top thieves & anti-Wanjiku barons & cartels. This was deliberately designed to be so by the colonial system to produce self-perpetuating system protectors.


Thread: Well, someone (not sure the author) produced a piece on Alliance High School and its contribution to our mess and enslavement through neocolonialism that I've just come across...

This will contribute to the midterm CAT (40 Marks)

Jul 28, 2020 6 tweets 4 min read
Good evening class!

Prof. @DavidNdii says... "At 16,000 km2, the amount of land classified as of high agricultural potential in Marsabit is one-third bigger than the five counties of the old Central Province (12,000 km2).


Thread This potential is underexploited, while that of Central is more or less exhausted. Where, then, should more agricultural development money go?"

#UshenziKE! (It's a no brainer!!!)

Jul 28, 2020 6 tweets 3 min read
@CulturedPaws: I woke up happy today. Then I logged into twitter. Your clown of a president has ordered the closure of all clinics providing contraceptives to teenagers, bearing in mind that he hasn't done anything to curb the rising pregnancy cases in the last few months. Narok for example, 'enjoys'( said with all sarcasm I can master) a figure of 5800 cases in the last five months, but the clinics are a problem.

