NNova | DeFi 🦇🔊 Profile picture
Helping crypto projects grow at @hypepartners | Social Media Marketer | In Crypto Since 2017 |
Jul 31, 2023 15 tweets 5 min read
There is a strategy in Web3 that people are using to make consistently 3 to 5k a month.

And almost anyone can do it.

This concept is so radical and simple that many people are missing out.

Are you ready to learn what this strategy is?

Let's dive in. ↓ Image 🟠 Work2Earn

There are thousands of unclaimed Web3 jobs out there.

But you are refreshing your portfolio, hoping the price goes up.

Or even worse, you are unaware that you can earn 3-5k a month working in Web3 even if you are not a Dev.

But wait...

There is more.
Jun 13, 2023 17 tweets 12 min read
You're Being Distracted!

A Crypto Tsunami is Approaching, Bringing Trillions of $ To The Industry, And Nobody Talks About It. 🌊

Here's all you need to know. ↓ Image 🟠 The Thesis

We are moving closer to the mass adoption of blockchain tech.

Big players are taking the necessary steps to prepare for the coming crypto tsunami.

By the end of this decade, blockchain tech will be part of the lives of every person on this planet.
Apr 21, 2023 20 tweets 10 min read
The Halving and The Bull.

99% of people have never even heard about Bitcoin’s halvings.

The fact that you are reading this means that you are now in that elite 1%.

That’s called information asymmetry – and you have an edge on the rest of the world.

Let’s dive in. ↓ Image 🟠 What I will cover

• The Thesis
• Introduction
• What is The Halving
• What happens after The Halving
• There is life after The Bear Market
• Conclusion

Let's dive deeper. 🤿🫧
Mar 10, 2023 27 tweets 18 min read
We are Entering a New Era – The Build On Bitcoin Era.

If Bitcoin is Digital Gold – Then @Stacks is The Shovel.

This is a massive opportunity to be early.

Stacks Bitcoin L2 Scaling Solutions.

Here is all you need to know.

Let’s dive in. ↓ 🔸 The Thesis

Bitcoin L2 is an innovation, and it unlocks a lot of capital.

The Build on Bitcoin narrative is gaining traction, and the ecosystem is growing fast.

BTC Maxis can change their stance towards the Web3 ecosystem if it's built on $BTC.

STX is BTCs Matic.
Mar 3, 2023 37 tweets 13 min read
The History and Evolution of Money.

A story about how people can’t be trusted to control the money supply.

And the fight to separate Money from The State.
- Brought to you by #Bitcoin.

Let's dive in. Image 🔸 Genesis

“In the beginning, God created the bank and Money. And the bank was without Money and bailed out. And darkness was upon the face of the taxpayer.” - Genesis 1:1

“Then God created Bitcoin and said, let there be light.” - Genesis 1:2

Just kidding, sort of. 😅
Feb 22, 2023 13 tweets 7 min read
Master The Art of Web3 Projects Research.

Here are 7 Easy Steps to Identify Powerful Projects.

This is how you find the Diamonds in the rough.

Let's dive in. ↓ Diamonds In The Rough Give a man a fish, and he will eat for a day.

Teach him Web3, and he will eat all his life.

When researching new blockchain projects to determine if they are good investments, it's important to consider several factors.

Here are some things to look for.

Feb 20, 2023 8 tweets 6 min read
Web3 Explain Like I'm 5

Web3 is like a place where people can interact and collaborate in new and exciting ways without being limited by centralized authorities or intermediaries.

Web3 is a New Nation Built in Cyberspace.

Let's dive deeper. 🫧🤿 ↓ Image 🔸 Web3 is a term used to describe the next generation of the internet, built on top of blockchain technology.

Think of the internet as a big city with many buildings (websites) you can visit.

Web3 is like a new part of the city built on a different type of land.
Feb 18, 2023 13 tweets 4 min read
How to Unfook Yourself Series.

What if I told you that not failure is holding you back?

But fear of failure is holding you back.

Here is The Master Key to Overcome The Fear of Failure.

Let’s dive in. ↓ Overcomers 🔸 A Stoic’s Key to Peace of Mind

"There are more things likely to frighten us than there are to crush us.

We suffer more often in imagination than in reality."

As you can see, the problem is not failure.

The problem is your attitude about failure.

Let's dive deeper. 🫧🤿
Feb 1, 2023 21 tweets 5 min read
Ever felt stuck in a loop and wanted to break free?

But for some reason, you can’t break that loop.

This is how you break the cycle and build the life of your dreams.

Let’s dive in. ↓ 🔸 Your brain is a supercomputer, and your thoughts and inner dialog are the operating system

Your inputs = Your outputs

Learn how to supercharge your supercomputer and how to write the soft that is serving you.

Massive life hack incoming.

Jan 9, 2023 27 tweets 10 min read
Everyone's missing the big picture on Web3.

How a New Frontier in Cyberspace Could Change the World as We Know It

The Web3 Revolution - The Rise of The Web3 Nation

Grab a seat, and let’s dive in. ↓ The Web3 Revolution 🔸 Why are you in Web3?

If you think you’re here just for the tech, to make money, or trade monkey jpegs, I’ve got news for you.

This Web3 🐇🕳️ is way deeper than you realize.

If we do it right, Web3 can improve the life of billions of people.
Dec 12, 2022 6 tweets 4 min read
Where are the #Saitozens? 💪

@SaitoOfficial Wants You. 🫵

We have an important mission - And it starts by interacting with this tweet.

I'm calling out the first: 🧲

@iLIkeCryptoDuh The Saito Nation  Saitozens are dedicated individuals who sp Step two is we should all follow each other.

Saito Follow Saito - #SAFollowSA

I will go first, will follow all the #Saitozens who interact with this post.
Nov 30, 2022 23 tweets 9 min read
There are only 300 million people in Crypto.

Less than 2% of people in Crypto use DeFi.

Learning how to use DeFi puts you in the top 0.07% of The World.

Grab a seat, and let's go. ↓ Image 🔸 Bankless

DeFi—short for Decentralized Finance—refers to the fast-growing ecosystem of financial products, protocols, and applications that operate on public blockchain networks.

➔ Crypto + Technology + Finance = DeFi Image
Oct 15, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
Web3 Word of The Day.

➔ Anon

This is short for anonymous, and it’s a way people refer to each other on Crypto Twitter (CT).

“I hope you used a hardware wallet to store your Punks and Apes anon.”

Privacy is something we value in Web3.

Find out more in this short thread. ↓ 🔸 Privacy is not secrecy

A private matter is something one doesn't want the whole world to know, but a secret matter is something one doesn't want anybody to know.

Privacy is the power to selectively reveal oneself to the world.
Oct 14, 2022 9 tweets 3 min read
Web3 Word of The Day.

➔ Censorship-resistance

Censorship resistance is considered to be one of the main value propositions of Web 3.

What this new model unlocks is beyond our current imagination.

But what does it mean?

Find out in this short thread. ↓ 🔸 Censorship resistance

Web3 is a silent revolution in plain sight.

And one of the most important proprieties of Web3 is Censorship Resistance.
Sep 8, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
What is the worst that we should be prepared for Bitcoin bottom?

Here is what happened in The Past.

And possibly what will happen in The Future. ↓ Image 🔸 Various on-chain price models signal a possible market bottom formation.

➔ Realized price($21,592):

One of the most widely used price valuation models to estimate bitcoin price bottoms is the realized price, the average price at which all bitcoin in existence last moved.
Sep 7, 2022 24 tweets 7 min read
There are more than 100 Stablecoins out there.

But how to know which ones are safe to park your hard-earned profits in?

Here's a breakdown of:

What Stablecoins are, Why They Matter & How Different Stablecoins Work.

Let’s level ↑ Image 🔸 What are Stablecoins?

They are technically a digital wrap of a dollar on the blockchain.

Most stablecoins are pegged to the $USD.

1 Stable Coin = $1 USD.

They are the bridge between the fiat world and the crypto world.
Sep 2, 2022 24 tweets 6 min read
What is Money?

What is Ideal Money?

To complicate is simple — To simplify is complicated.

Here is The Simplified Explanation. ↓ Image 🔸 What is Value?

Value is that toward which all human action is aimed.

Value is the monetary, material, or estimated worth of an asset, good, or service.

This is the End Goal – To Obtain Value.

Let's dive deeper. ↓
May 19, 2022 16 tweets 5 min read
This is Financial Advice!

Do exactly what I Tell you and You will Make Money and Avoid to Lose Money in Crypto.

I found a Crack in The Matrix, come and find out for yourself.

If I’m wrong you can sue me. 🧵👇 Image “Mistakes Love a Rushed Decision.”

Whenever you have the feeling of FOMO and think that you should hurry and Ape in this project before it goes to The Moon.

Know this!

When you feel like you are Missing Out. You probably are Missing Out on The Fall that’s Going to Come. Image
May 17, 2022 26 tweets 8 min read
Everyone is Acting Like They Have Everything Figured Out in Crypto.

And Seems That All They Do is Win.

I’m here to tell you that this is Bullshit.

Come and find out what I mean in this 🧵👇🏼. Image Before you jump to conclusions hear me out.

This whole ecosystem is so new that almost nobody is an expert.

Bitcoin was born in January 2009.

Ethereum in July 2015.

DeFi got traction in the summer of 2020. Image
Apr 29, 2022 23 tweets 8 min read
Everyone is a Genius in a Bull Market.

But how can You identify The Top and Bottom... without having a Crystal Bowl?

Here is what I learned from 2 market cycles, and how you can do better in the next one.

Find the gold nuggets here🧵 Image Now that the market is in a down trend for 5 months you can see that almost nobody knows if a coin is going to go up, down, sideways or in fucking circles.

So what can we rely on to better assess where we are in the market cycle?

Let's dive in. Image