Nadine El-Enany Profile picture
Co-Director, Centre for Research on Race and Law @CentreRaceLaw | Tweets are my own.
Sep 30, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
1/7 Reading what Sarah Everard suffered, knowing that an abuse of power enabled it, I'm filled with rage and a desperate wish we could have done something to protect her, to stop what happened, but also to have empowered her to say no, I don't trust you *because* you are police 2/7 because we knew, we know, the brutal violence that is the everyday task of the police and the myth that the institution is there to protect us. A part of me feels defeated, that because Sarah is gone, because of what she suffered, because it can never be undone, all is lost.
Jul 22, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
Michael Buerk Andrew Doyle Nesrine Malik Mona Siddiqui & Tim Stanley didn't know I was still on the call after we recorded #MoralMaze @BBCRadio4 Here are quotes & approximations of what they said about me. We know how they speak about us but it's another thing to hear them do it Michael Buerk: That was good wasn't it. That first speaker, she really got the Maxim guns out didn't she?

Nesrine Malik: Yeah, she was great. It's good to have someone like that on.
Jun 7, 2020 12 tweets 3 min read
Thread on police tactics at protests. 1/12 When you avidly tweet an image of what you think is an act of violence by a protester you are not only distracting from the power and importance of #BLMLondon you are failing to consider the effect of violent police tactics at protests. The police are not neutral observers at protests. I have written about the effect of police tactics at the 2010 anti-fees protests where the police charged peaceful static crowds with horses, used batons to their heads and kettled them, including on Westminster Bridge, for hours.
Dec 12, 2019 20 tweets 3 min read
Day 7 of the disciplinary hearing for PC Alston, alleged to have used his baton in a dangerous and uncontrolled manner and to have struck Alfie Meadows on the head at the student protest of 9 Dec 2010 and caused him a serious brain injury. Panel due to deliver their decision now. Panel coming in now.
Dec 10, 2019 102 tweets 16 min read
Day 5 of the disciplinary hearing for PC Mark Alston, alleged to have used his baton in a violent, uncontrolled and dangerous manner when he used it to deliver a number of downward strikes at head height in a manner that was unreasoble in all the circumstances and risked causing head injuries to protesters and striking Alfie Meadows with his baton and causing him a serious head injury. Alfie Meadows will be continuing to give evidence today. We adjourned yesterday mid examination by the defence barrister. Expected to begin in 15 minutes.
Dec 4, 2019 76 tweets 21 min read
Disciplinary hearing for PC Mark Alston (officer who struck Alfie Meadows on the head with his batton) at anti-fees protest outside Parliament on Dec 9 2010 just getting started now at City of London Police station. For context, see press release about the hearing…