Dr Nafeez Ahmed FRSA Profile picture
Systems theorist. Futurist. Investigative Journalist. New book: ALT REICH: THE NETWORK WAR TO DESTROY DEMOCRACY FROM WITHIN https://t.co/pxClODlxBW
9 subscribers
Feb 28 10 tweets 4 min read
EXCLUSIVE: My new @BylineTimes investigation reveals that Donald Trump’s war on “wokeness” and "diversity" has roots in a racist, antisemitic Nazi foundation devoted to eugenics. Strap in - this story is beyond disturbing, but explains a lot /1 bylinetimes.com/2025/02/27/tru… My @BylineTimes report based on my new book ALT REICH (alt-reich.com) reveals how 3 most influential "anti-woke" icons, Christopher Rufo, Peter Boghossian, Richard Hanania were bankrolled by the funder of this Nazi foundation /2 bylinetimes.com/2025/02/27/tru…
Dec 16, 2024 17 tweets 6 min read
🧵Why is Elon Musk so interested in taking charge of a Trump-led US government? Why is he obsessed with taking down Britain's Labour govt and boosting Nigel Farage? Simple answer: Vladimir Putin. Musk is aligned with a longstanding Russian influence op /1 bylinetimes.com/2024/12/12/aft… In my new book I reveal how Musk, X, Farage, Trump and Putin are part of a broader network of oligarchs, far-right groups and tech platforms that are fed up with democracy as we know it. Despite disagreements among them, they /2alt-reich.com
Dec 2, 2024 9 tweets 4 min read
1/ Fifteen years ago, I predicted the collapse of "the mainstream party-political system across the liberal democratic heartlands" of the west. This would "pave the way for the increasing legitimisation of far-right politics by the end of this decade." bylinesupplement.com/p/trumps-proje… 2/ We now watch in real-time as the vested interests that brought Trump back into the White House attempt to replace the American republic with a new form of postmodern networked fascism. This is just the beginning. The world is next bylinesupplement.com/p/trumps-proje…
Nov 8, 2024 17 tweets 7 min read
🧵Donald Trump’s victory is an inflection point for the America, the West, and the planet. It has been enabled by a network of billionaires, think tanks and lobbying groups that believe, as does the Russian Government, that democracy must be destroyed /1 bylinetimes.com/2024/11/08/tru… Social and economic dynamics driving rocketing rates of inflation, clearly played a key role. Russia's invasion of Ukraine was a trigger. Its inflationary impact was part of Vladimir Putin’s ‘hybrid warfare’ strategy to destabilise Western democracies /2 bylinetimes.com/2022/03/30/wea…
Nov 5, 2024 10 tweets 3 min read
🧵Last call on the #USElection2024: Trump plans to accelerate Israel’s violence in Gaza, male violence against women and industrial violence against the earth amidst an unprecedented war on American democracy itself. He must be stopped /1 bylinetimes.com/2024/11/05/eco… Some people have convinced themselves that opposing the genocidal violence in Gaza under the Democrat govt means opposing Harris, end of story. Some suggest voting for Jill Stein, or even Trump himself. This is colossal error of huge magnitude /2
Nov 1, 2024 20 tweets 6 min read
🧵As a scholar of the systems behind genocidal violence, who's accurately forecasted major events (from 2008 crash to mainstreaming of far-right), I believe the Musk-Trump economic plan is a blueprint for total social, political & economic collapse /1 bylinetimes.com/2024/11/01/ame… This is putting it mildly. What I set out in this analysis will be seen by the usual suspects as needlessly alarmist. It is not. The Musk-Trump plan represents the movement of the Republican Party into the early stages of genocidal radicalisation. The plan entails key components directly reminiscent of Nazi Germany in the early 1930s. This does NOT mean 'all Republicans are Nazis' or something so crude, but that the party is following a similar trajectory. We ignore this at our peril. I'm going to break this down. 👇/2
Aug 8, 2024 19 tweets 8 min read
🧵If you want to understand Britain's worst racist riots in living memory, this thread breaks down my @BylineTimes investigation revealing how US dark money, alt tech, Farage friends and a Russian-linked Trump insurrectionist sparked the violence /1 bylinetimes.com/2024/08/08/exp… Hard to know where to begin with a tangled web such as this, but let's start with a fellow called Morten Messerschmidt. He is now the leader of the far-right Danish People's Party /2 Image
Apr 24, 2024 15 tweets 4 min read
EXCLUSIVE: Leaked WhatsApp messages between the Conservative peer Baroness @SayeedaWarsi and Khalid Mahmood MP reveal distrust of the Policy Exchange think-tank which has links to a ‘white genocide’ believer 🧵/1 bylinetimes.com/2024/04/24/pol… Policy Exchange, perhaps most influential think-tank on the Conservative government, has just published an attack on attempts to define Islamophobia. Labour MP Khalid Mahmood is a co-author. But he privately told Baroness Warsi that he believes the think-tank is "dangerous" /2
Mar 15, 2024 13 tweets 5 min read
🧵I'm calling it. By his own definition, @michaelgove is an extremist, and has been one for a long-time. Here's why /1 In 1987, he used a racist slur to describe Black people who "couldn't look after themselves", hence vindicating the morality of the British empire. /2 bylinetimes.com/2024/03/14/mic…
Dec 13, 2023 25 tweets 5 min read
🧵An unprecedented global consensus on ‘transitioning away from fossil fuels’ arrived at #COP28 – it fell drastically short of a ‘phase out’ agreement, but the culprits for that are perhaps not who you first suspect /1 bylinetimes.com/2023/12/12/kee… "Leave fossil fuels in the ground. It's so simple." So said @GeorgeMonbiot, whom I hugely admire. But having worked on the ground with Global South nations at COP, I'm sorry to say - this is so much white privilege. /2
Sep 25, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
🧵I've been agitating for radical climate action & systemic transformation for 2 decades. As author of two books + 100s of investigations on our ecological crisis, I found Gordon Brown's new carbon tax proposal to be a racist boon for the biggest Western fossil fuel polluters /1 The former PM took to Radio 4 and my old paper @guardian demanding "petrol states" (he singles out Arab countries Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar and Kuwait, then adds Norway as a bonus) face a carbon tax to support a global climate fund for the poor /2 theguardian.com/commentisfree/…
Mar 15, 2023 22 tweets 8 min read
UN climate summit #COP28UAE agenda, driven by major Gulf oil producer, reveals serious deficiencies in conventional thinking about how to deal with #climatechange - so deficient that it exposes investors to trillions of dollars of losses🧵/1 ageoftransformation.org/the-cop28-agen… I wrote to COP28 President Dr Sultan Al Jaber @uaeclimateenvoy to explain that his strategy of working with Big Oil using carbon capture, hydrogen and nuclear is not just environmentally questionable, but a total economic disaster /2 ageoftransformation.org/the-cop28-agen…
Dec 2, 2022 10 tweets 4 min read
The 'longtermist' philosophy that inspired Elon Musk's takeover of Twitter is inspired by far-right eugenics. It's an ideology that has a surprising degree of influence on some of the biggest tech companies in the world bylinesupplement.com/p/the-far-righ… by me in @Byline_Media @BylineTimes 🧵Nick Bostrom, whose book is endorsed by Musk and whose Future of Humanity Institute has received funding from Musk, has advocated embryo screening to breed people of "unprecedented levels of cognitive capacity" /1 bylinesupplement.com/p/the-far-righ…
Nov 30, 2022 29 tweets 6 min read
EXCLUSIVE: 🧵on the coming Great Contraction, and how we can transform. Two years before it happened (before Nouriel Roubini’s famous forecast at the IMF) I predicted the 2008 banking collapse. In 2010, I predicted the next financial crisis of the 2020s /1 bylinetimes.com/2022/11/28/the… I said the next crisis of the 2020s would be triggered by the end of cheap money and the decline of cheap fossil fuels, resulting in inflation and currency devaluation. This is now happening /2 bylinetimes.com/2022/11/28/the…
Oct 28, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
🧵The UN is warning that current emissions pledges will guarantee breaching the 1.5C safe limit for climate change: We are hurtling toward dangerous climate change, and the risk of triggering tipping points that lead to catastrophes we cannot control or reverse. /1 But there is more going on here. While we are breaching earth system boundaries, the production system of civilisation is also transforming. Every foundational sector - energy, transport, food, information and materials - is being disrupted by exponential technologies /2
Oct 19, 2022 34 tweets 10 min read
Britain now faces neoliberal collapse, following a familiar pattern of economic, energy, environmental driven state failure seen in disparate places like Syria, Yemen, Egypt & Nigeria. Next Govt can only avert this with *phase-shift transformation*🧵/1 bylinetimes.com/2022/10/19/bri… In this thread I'll break down in higher resolution what you need to understand the system dynamics of what confronts Britain today. I previously explained some of the broader systems thinking that helps us recognise the risks of societal breakdown here /2
Oct 14, 2022 22 tweets 5 min read
I've spent 2 decades studying dynamics of societal crisis & collapse. It’s now clear that Liz Truss is leading Britain into a convergence of crises that is likely to culminate in an unprecedented social and economic collapse 🧵/1 bylinetimes.com/2022/10/14/bri… @BylineTimes This crisis will cascade across government, economy, housing markets, energy, health, the judiciary and beyond. And it could trigger another global financial crash, worse than 2008. one that, like that crash, could have potentially irreversible impacts on global civilisation. /2
Oct 6, 2022 10 tweets 4 min read
THREAD: IMF warns of 'fundamental shift' from stable predictability, to an age of breakdown, economic volatility, geopolitical confrontations, natural disasters – "a world in which any country can be thrown off course more easily and more often” theguardian.com/business/2022/… 🧵/1 International institutions increasingly waking up to this global shift - an unmistakable sense of accelerated decline. As I previously reported, the UN has warned that civilisation is now on a collapse trajectory due to breaching planetary boundaries bylinetimes.com/2022/05/26/un-… /2
Mar 22, 2022 5 tweets 3 min read
THREAD. Nigel Farage on GB News defending Russia no surprise. Here's what you didn't know. His latest patron, billionaire Christopher Chandler, met with Putin confidante Alexey Miller, Gazprom's CEO, in 2003 for helping it turn a profit bylinetimes.com/2022/03/21/bor… @BylineTimes GB News once pretended to be independent from Chandler and his hard-Brexit think-tank Legatum. The pretence is over. Chandler himself plus 2 other Legatum and Legatum Institute chiefs are directors of the company that owns GB News bylinetimes.com/2022/03/21/bor…
May 11, 2021 29 tweets 11 min read
EXCLUSIVE: My postmortem on the Quilliam Foundation. Drawing on years of reporting, I breakdown its evolution and collapse from the British secret state, to the US far-right, from the Tory Party, to QAnon and COVID denialism bylinetimes.com/2021/05/11/the… @BylineTimes The Quilliam Foundation launched with £674,608 of Home Office funding. Raised total of £2.7 million from the UK Government up to 2011. @IanCobain reports that it was established by the Organisation for Security and Counter Terrorism bylinetimes.com/2021/05/11/the… /2
Jan 6, 2021 12 tweets 4 min read
THREAD: The armed protests in the Capitol incited by Trump represent stage 4 of a carefully planned escalation, a democracy-subversion strategy already in motion: it is designed to suspend the election certification to abort Biden's inauguration /1 bylinetimes.com/2020/11/11/tru… It's long past time to stop underestimating the fascism animating Trumpism. Step 1 of Trump's coup strategy began with the propaganda war to lay the groundwork of populist Republican discontent by amplifying fake news about the election results. /2 bylinetimes.com/2020/11/11/tru…