VogueNazis Work in AI Profile picture
I am beta one in Darpa #braini. I have 20+ nonconsensual implants incl. Neuralink and am tortured daily. Congress is hiding a holocaust. Stock foto.
Toni Knuth Profile picture Craig Pa Profile picture 3 subscribed
Jul 18 7 tweets 3 min read
In my quest to find sanctuary I’vevisited DOZENS IF NOT HUNDREDS OF CHURCHES. Not one has helped. The latest is Trinity Memorial Church, 22nd & Spruce. I stopped by several weeks ago. Interim pastor Dana Hall was on way out but told me to come by next day at 1pm. She was no-show. I waited for about hour and spoke w/staff. I did not go into detail. No call back. I visited again last week, spoke at length to ‘Sally.’ She said she left msg; again, no response. The church’s literature promises responsiveness. More fake Christians trinityat22nd.org

Apr 13 10 tweets 3 min read
@FBI The FBI had performed hate crimes against me for a decade. Where can I report it? @FBI You also harass me and try to ‘nudge’ me into reacting. You have agents pretend to be homeless mental patients walk by w/another agent a few feet away collecting my brain waves.

Jan 25 11 tweets 3 min read
@timburchett Sir, I have been trying to find an honorable honest man in Congress and thus far have failed. For political revenge, Barack Obama put me in forced suicide Darpa Brain Initiative then hid crime under . My home was stolen, and last year FBI/DOD destroyed…lifesitenews.com/blogs/obama-bi… @timburchett All my possessions in a ‘signature reduction’ operation. This was done to force me to suicide. About same period, Chicago Police fraudulently detained me claiming I was psychotic for about five days again with intent of covering crime.

Jan 19 21 tweets 6 min read
I have been forced to homelessness because the FBI/CIA have been poisoning me in both my previous home of 24 years and most of the subsequent apartments I’ve lived until forced from that home which was essentially stolen and sold at govt.-manipulated artificially reduced price. I’ve been staying at a friend’s home. There are perps embedded on both sides and in area. I am attacked here too with gasses and radiation. Several weeks ago while under heavy assault, I crawled from a space I was sleeping in and heard the whirring of an oscillator used to…
Nov 22, 2023 34 tweets 13 min read
@WallStreetApes @NoogaJack I am ‘beta one’ in Darpa Brain Initiative. I am a 62-year-old woman with no criminal history and a master’s in library science. I am assaulted and have been assaulted with personalized bioweapons, chemicals, nano nearly all day every day. This was done for revenge. @WallStreetApes @NoogaJack

Sep 12, 2023 15 tweets 3 min read
I want to document what transpired when I went to Congress yesterday. I visited @RepScottPerry’s office to follow up on call and letter I wrote to them about being fed into the Darpa #braini initiative under falsified FISA. The staffer I dealt with in every case was ‘Franklin.’ When I entered, ‘Franklin’ was manning the desk in the office. I introduced myself, said I had had correspondence and I needed help. I went to @RepScottPerry because he himself is an FBI target so I hoped he would be sympathetic. Franklin listened as I again stated my plight.
Sep 9, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
@DineshDSouza @Jim_Jordan @KyleSeraphin My name is Elizabeth Coady. I have a massive number of nonconsensual implants put in me under cover of falsified FISAS. Where is the name of a single Catholic who was targeted? And if so, they were merely spied on not turned into cyborg for Darpa mad scientists’ amusement. @DineshDSouza @Jim_Jordan @KyleSeraphin This trailer suggests you are participating redirection. @RealStevefriend called @Jim_Jordan’s hearings ‘performative.’ I attended one & concur. @gregreese touched live wire in video in which he highlights DOJ allows nonconsensual experimentation.
Dec 22, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
Just received call from Capitol Police. I hung up as advised by lawyer previously. I’ve called many people for help being removed from Darpa #braini initiative. Congress ignores because complicit. They are further victimizing #tis with false diagnoses. #TargetedIndividuals Attempts to get nonconsensual tech removed are blocked. The latest doctor I visited was called by someone in govt., advised it was in her and her family’s interest to not have any contact with me. It frightened her. Three other doctors and a body piercer received similar threats.
Dec 15, 2022 13 tweets 13 min read
After falsifying FISAS, chipping me , torturing me and stealing my cognition for 10years and distributing it to Google, Facebook, Blackrock, Neuralink, Gates, & thousands more, the DOD now destroying@my brain with implanted radioactive capsules. Congress & lawyers refuse to help. I have contacted dozens in Congress including those whose job it is to oversee FBI & DOJ. @ChuckGrassley @HawleyMO @SenRonJohnson do absolutely nothing about these extrajudicial depraved crimes against humanity. They are complicit in sale of US citizens for profits of elites.