1/4 The img shows the inner region of Abell 1689, an immense cluster of galaxies located 2.2 billion ly away in constellation Virgo.
Astronomers used Hubble to map the distribution of dark matter in the galaxy cluster. ➡️bit.ly/3tVdSzz
#scritturebrevi#VentagliDiParole2/4 Here is Abell 1689, with the mass distribution of the dark matter in the gravitational lens overlaid (in purple).
The mass in this lens is made up partly of normal (baryonic) matter and partly of dark matter.
In the face of this terrible tragedy, we must remain cohesive and invoke the ideals of democracy, solidarity and universal brotherhood by strongly saying #StopWarInUkraine#Peace .
Thread 1/ A diffuse glow of high-energy gamma rays hints at the presence of powerful cosmic accelerators, called PeVatrons, within the disk of our Galaxy.