Jeff -thank you Joe Biden Profile picture
Lifelong Democrat, lifelong nerd. thankful for Biden #TWDFamily, Star Wars, Star Trek, GoT, Fantasy Succession, #DnD Threads: radioactive.manticore (NewJeffCT)
Best Blue State Kate Profile picture 1 subscribed
Apr 28, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
To those who said Putin would not have invaded Ukraine when Trump was prez–that may be true, because Trump was so spineless & submissive around Putin that Russia got everything they wanted from Trump when Trump was in office

Let's look at some of what Trump did for Putin:

1) When Donny was running in 2016, long-time Russian asset & Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort led the effort to weaken GOP support for Ukraine in the official party platform.

2) Trump did not commit to NATO Article 5 to defend fellow members

Mar 21, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
Yes, inflation is high right now, but there has been a ton of great economic news since Biden took office. If you watched the news, however, you would think nothing good is happening with the economy. Is that really true, though?

Let’s look at some numbers:

In December 2020, the last full month of Biden’s predecessor, the unemployment rate was 6.7%. Last month, it was 3.8%. That's a huge drop under Biden.

Jul 6, 2020 12 tweets 5 min read

Before his colossal failures with COVID-19, Donny Trump used to brag about the economy & much of the media went along for the ride. However, was the economy really that good before the #TrumpDepression hit? Let’s look at the facts:


@wtp__2020 First, Trump’s own words condemn him on the pre-COVID economy here where he CUT the pay of federal workers citing serious economic conditions. If the economy was great, why the wage cuts?…
Jun 20, 2020 10 tweets 3 min read
Recreating this from March in my temp account:

Some facts for the MAGA crowd who keep comparing the Obama/Biden H1N1 response in 2009-10 to Covid-19 in 2019-20.

The CDC estimates the flu kills 12,000 to 61,000 Americans per year.



1/10 Here is a timeline of what happened under Obama:

Obama inaugurated in Jan of 2009 amidst the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression 80 years earlier. It was grim.

The first H1N1 case in the US was ID'd in mid April of 2009
