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Oct 9th 2020
@SpeakerPelosi to introduce legislation to create a commission on presidential capacity to review the health of a President under provisions of the #25thAmendment providing for the temporary transfer of power to the @VP in case of inability to discharge the duties of the office.
🔥Trump has become dangerously unfit and has become a serious threat to our domestic and national security. #TrumpIsNotWell #25thAmendmentNow
Read 5 tweets
Jun 20th 2020
Recreating this from March in my temp account:

Some facts for the MAGA crowd who keep comparing the Obama/Biden H1N1 response in 2009-10 to Covid-19 in 2019-20.

The CDC estimates the flu kills 12,000 to 61,000 Americans per year.



Here is a timeline of what happened under Obama:

Obama inaugurated in Jan of 2009 amidst the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression 80 years earlier. It was grim.

The first H1N1 case in the US was ID'd in mid April of 2009

HHS declares a public health emergency on April 26, 2009 despite only a handful of cases in the US.

Within 30 days of that first case, over 1 million Americans had been tested for H1N1. It took around 70 days for the US under Trump to reach 1 million tested.

Read 10 tweets

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