Newtown Action Alliance Profile picture
Newtown Action Alliance is a national grassroots grp formed after the Sandy Hook shooting to bring about legislative & cultural changes to #EndGunViolence.
May 15, 2023 7 tweets 5 min read
🧵 This week marks one year since 10 Black people were murdered by a white extremist with an AR-15 in Buffalo.

5/24 marks one year since 21 children and educators were slaughtered at Robb Elementary School.

Call these Members of Congress and urge them to take action!

(1/7) Image 🧵 Call @SenatorDurbin and urge him to give us a vote on the #AssaultWeaponsBan.

📞 (202) 224-7703

(2/7) Image
Mar 8, 2023 7 tweets 4 min read
(1/7) Meet #GenerationLockdown: the made-in-America student generation begging to survive the school day. Join us on March 24th in DC alongside students, survivors, victims & educators impacted by school shootings as we demand Congress uphold our right to education, unthreatened. (2/7) Only in America will the same student survive a mass shooting in elementary school and again in college. Since Columbine occurred in 1999, nearly 350,000 students have experienced gun violence in school in America. Schools should be safe spaces, not warzones.
Sep 7, 2022 65 tweets 125 min read
We must keep the House to pass strong federal gun laws during next Congress. We endorsed 183 House incumbents who voted for Ethan's Law to #KeepKidsSafe from unsecured guns, assault weapons ban, & the universal background check legislation during this Congress. #VoteGunSafety2022 Image All 183 gun safety champions have passed more gun laws in the 117th House of Representatives than any others in decades.…
Jan 4, 2022 27 tweets 29 min read
Since the Oxford High School shooting on 11/30, 26 @HouseDemocrats have cosponsored HR748/Ethan's Law to require gun owners to safely store their guns when kids are around. We need the remaining 52 Dems to cosponsor the bill & pass this crucial gun safety bill to #KeepKidsSafe. We encourage @RepOHalleran from Arizona 1st and @RepGregStanton Arizona 9th to cosponsor HR748/Ethan's Law to require gun owners to safely store their guns to #KeepKidsSafe in Arizona & beyond.… @AZforGunSafety #EndGunViolence
Apr 8, 2021 5 tweets 5 min read
1. Today, the @POTUS, VP @KamalaHarris, & Attorney General Merrick Garland will be in the Rose Garden @ 11:45AM ET to deliver remarks on the initial set of executive actions to #EndGunViolence & the nomination of @davidchipman as the ATF Director. Tune in: 2. Review @POTUS @JoeBiden’s initial actions to #EndGunViolence. He has been dedicated to addressing our country’s epidemic of gun violence throughout his entire career. He has taken on & beaten the NRA twice, & he believes we can do it again together.…
Apr 7, 2021 5 tweets 3 min read
1. Watch Day 3 of the NRA Bankruptcy Trial starting at 11:30AM ET. Yesterday, it was revealed Wayne Lapierre's assistant used $40,000 of NRA $ to pay for her son's wedding & other expenses. She was required to pay it back but she still works for Lapierre.… 2. @maddow explains why @NewYorkStateAG filed a lawsuit to #DissolveTheNRA. The NRA allowed Wayne Lapierre and others to use its funds illegally and inappropriately for lavish personal expenses.
Apr 5, 2021 15 tweets 9 min read
At 11:30AM EDT, watch the NRA’s six-day bankruptcy trial where NRA executives including Wayne Lapierre will be examined and cross-examined. Find Judge Hale’s WebEX link here:… #DissolveTheNRA Image 2. History: On 8/6/20, the @NewYorkStateAG Tish James officially filed a lawsuit to #DissolvetheNRA after investigating the organization since Feb 2019 & found the senior leadership had illegally used the NRA's charitable finances for personal use.…
Mar 25, 2021 4 tweets 6 min read
1/ President @JoeBiden beat the NRA & passed the Assault Weapons Ban & the Brady bill in 1994. After the Sandy Hook tragedy, he led the @WhiteHouse task force to #EndGunViolence & met with the victims' families & gun violence prevention groups. #TheTimeIsNow 2/ After the Sandy Hook tragedy, @BarackObama asked @JoeBiden to lead the @WhiteHouse task force to #EndGunViolence because there was no one better equipped to tackle this life or death issue. He knows what needs to be done & he should do it. #TheTimeIsNow…
Mar 1, 2021 4 tweets 11 min read
1/ We thank the following House Reps for cosponsoring @RepCicilline's bill to #BanAssaultWeapons during the last Congress. We encourage all to sign on as original cosponsors of the bill during 117th Congress as well.
@GKButterfield 2/
Let's not wait until the next mass shooting to #BanWeaponsOfWar.
Feb 24, 2021 8 tweets 3 min read
1/ Today, 165 families and survivors directly impacted by gun violence sent a letter to urge the @SenateGOP @SenateDems to confirm Merrick Garland as U.S. Attorney General. 2/ Judge Garland has been lauded for his flawless & inspiring work as the leading fed prosecutor in the Oklahoma City bombing case after a domestic terrorist killed 168 people including 19 children in 1995. He brought everyone to the table including the families & survivors.
Feb 23, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
1/ Gun control does not lead to gun confiscation. In 1934, Congress passed the National Firearms Act to limit the availability of machine guns/short-barreled shotguns/short-barreled rifles/silencers/other similar weapons that were often used by criminals during the Prohibition. 2/ The National Firearms Act (NFA) imposed a tax on the manufacture, import, and distribution of NFA weapons and required a REGISTRY of 'all NFA firearms in the United States.…
Aug 3, 2020 4 tweets 3 min read
1) Today is the grim one-year anniversary of nation's deadliest attack on Latinos in modern US history. A 22yo white extremist armed with an assault weapon killed 23 & wounded 22 at a @Walmart store in El Paso, Texas. #DisarmHate #BanWeaponsOfWar #EndGunViolence #HonorWithAction 2) While El Paso has scheduled a # of activities to mark the event, residents & victims' loved ones won't get to hug, touch or gather publicly as many communities have done in the past on the anniversaries of the country's accumulating mass shootings due to coronavirus.
Feb 2, 2020 10 tweets 7 min read
1) This week, we are proud to join @Everytown & other GVP groups to lift up the voices of survivors on National Gun Violence Survivor Week. Many of these stories were shared at the National Vigil for All Victims of Gun Violence. #MomentsThatSurvive… 2) My son Terrell was just 18 years old when he was shot and killed on 4/4/06, in the city of Chicago, while on the grounds of a church. At church. A place that should have been safe. But as we learn every day, there is no such thing as a safe place!
Oct 15, 2019 7 tweets 4 min read
1) We have changed the conversation dramatically since the Sandy Hook mass shooting tragedy in 2012. Gun control was barely mentioned in 2008 or 2012 Elections but now ALL 19 Democrat Presidential candidates support an assault weapons ban! @nytimes… 2) In 2013, a few months after 20 children & educators were killed by a gunman with an AR15 in Sandy Hook, 30% of the Democratic caucus in the Senate voted against the assault weapons ban.… @nytimes