How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App is a militia act, it has nothing to do with the second amendment. He says the 2A is tied to service in a militia, according to the Dred Scott v Sandford this is incorrect. In this case, they refused to acknowledge black people born to slaves in the United States standing army is telling another country if you come fuck with us we are ready to kill you. A militia can't project that kind of statement. A militia also can't keep the level of training required as a whole group to wage a war, they have to live their everyday life. law the privileges and immunities of all the citizens of the Republic and the inborn rights of every person within its jurisdiction whenever the same shall be abridged or denied by the unconstitutional acts of any State. British tried to disarm the people, and were some what succeeded in doing so, they even tared and feathered a man after “selling him a musket”.