Nikola has released their pathetic attempt at a rebuttal to the #NikolaGate report and have completely failed to clear their name.
Let’s break this bastard down!
Before I get into this, I want you all to be familiarised with the term ‘equivocation’. In short: it means to use ambiguous language with the intent to deceive. It’s rampant throughout this whole company and especially in the rebuttal, as you will see.
Aug 1, 2020 • 78 tweets • 22 min read
Guess what?
That’s right, it’s 🙌🏻 THREAD TIME 🙌🏻
My boy @Jason, whom I respect a lot, recently had Trevor Milton, whom I believe is the next Elizabeth Holmes, on his podcast ‘This Week in Startups’ and boy is it a doozy!
Thanks to @c4chaos for the tip.
I just want you to bear in mind that this is the question. A simple question that is hard to misinterpret.
Jul 24, 2020 • 43 tweets • 12 min read
What is up fellow kids?
You’re favourite Twitter ghost (RIP Steve Jobs) 👻 is back again and guess what? It’s 🎇 Thread Time! 🎆
Today, per popular demand, we have Nikola’s Groundbreaking Ceremony!
Strap in, this will get interesting!
Starting off very strange!
Makes it sound like it’s the unforgiving wilderness. All I see is an overcast fucking field! 🤣😂🤦🏻♂️
Jul 19, 2020 • 85 tweets • 22 min read
Hey guys, guess what? It’s [Thread Time! 🥳]
Though it pains me to do it, this thread I am listing to Dr Keith Watson (a.k.a. TESLACharts)’s Chartcast with Trevor Milton! 🤡
⚠️🚨 *Don’t try this at home!* 🚨⚠️
If you ever consider taking hallucinogenics, DON’T! You’ll end up with this! 🤣
Seriously, what the fuck is this? Lol
My favourite part: “Boom!” 💥
Jul 14, 2020 • 54 tweets • 16 min read
Oh boy! $NKLA $NKLAQ
Nikola’s Engineering ‘BTS’ fills me with a lot of questions and concerns. So, as your friendly Twitter ghost 👻, I will address them all!
[That’s right, it’s Thread Time! 💃🏼 🕺🏻]
Problem 1: it’s in focking portrait! 😡
Ok, my actual first thought is to remind you that this prototype was build by Pratt Miller, not Nikola, and a lot of it was designed by various business partners too!
Also, this is apparently not the final design so remember that.
Jul 4, 2020 • 22 tweets • 5 min read
I had some serious problems with what Trevor said in this clip. I decided a thread would be need to do my thoughts justice.
This clip is about Trevor’s track record and ‘*The Tesla CULT*’!
Social media ‘culture’ can be both amazing and pretty disgusting. That is true.
His idea of these ‘keyboard warriors’ does exist but it’s by the far the minority and I don’t think any $TSLA fan is like that.
All the same, let’s move on.
Jun 26, 2020 • 47 tweets • 18 min read
I just read this P.O.S. Such bullshit lies!
Ruffo (author) is full $TSLAQ at this point.
Ok, I guess that means it’s time for yet another thread to debunk this fool.
[Before we begin, I already debunked the fuck out of the source article on Trevor’s LinkedIN. If you haven’t read it, I recommend you read this other thread first!]
Thread time, baby! 🥳
Bloody hell though, this video is 2 and a quarter hours long, so I’m going to be here for a while!
This first clip is a handy little contents page for you all. Enjoy!
[Bring it on!]
‘It’s a... a single re... it’s a... it’s a... re... single essentially... it’s a duel speed but it... umm... but a single... between low and high’
Wow, and I though Elon’s speech could get rough!
Jun 21, 2020 • 76 tweets • 25 min read
As some of you may have seen, Trevor posted some propaganda on LinkedIN, which means I need to debunk it. It looks like I’ll be here a while! Here goes... [Thread]
Very first sentence and already a lie! That is, unless he also thinks FCEV won’t make it to market! 🤣
Before I continue reading, let’s debunk this right off the gate! Every Tesla model has an option for a significantly more than 300 mile range. *Not one* person has ever complained that they have too much range. Moreover, these >300mile vehicles still all have track records!