Blamblas (formerly NTG👻) 🇬🇧 Profile picture
I mourn for thee, my country. 🇬🇧 My YouTube ⬇️
Sep 15, 2020 65 tweets 21 min read

Nikola has released their pathetic attempt at a rebuttal to the #NikolaGate report and have completely failed to clear their name.

Let’s break this bastard down!
$NKLA $NKLAQ… Before I get into this, I want you all to be familiarised with the term ‘equivocation’. In short: it means to use ambiguous language with the intent to deceive. It’s rampant throughout this whole company and especially in the rebuttal, as you will see.
Aug 1, 2020 78 tweets 22 min read
Guess what?
That’s right, it’s 🙌🏻 THREAD TIME 🙌🏻

My boy @Jason, whom I respect a lot, recently had Trevor Milton, whom I believe is the next Elizabeth Holmes, on his podcast ‘This Week in Startups’ and boy is it a doozy!

Thanks to @c4chaos for the tip.
I just want you to bear in mind that this is the question. A simple question that is hard to misinterpret.
Jul 24, 2020 43 tweets 12 min read
What is up fellow kids?
You’re favourite Twitter ghost (RIP Steve Jobs) 👻 is back again and guess what? It’s 🎇 Thread Time! 🎆

Today, per popular demand, we have Nikola’s Groundbreaking Ceremony!

Strap in, this will get interesting! Starting off very strange!

Makes it sound like it’s the unforgiving wilderness. All I see is an overcast fucking field! 🤣😂🤦🏻‍♂️
Jul 19, 2020 85 tweets 22 min read
Hey guys, guess what? It’s [Thread Time! 🥳]

Though it pains me to do it, this thread I am listing to Dr Keith Watson (a.k.a. TESLACharts)’s Chartcast with Trevor Milton! 🤡

Here is the link:…

⚠️🚨 *Don’t try this at home!* 🚨⚠️
$NKLA $NKLAQ If you ever consider taking hallucinogenics, DON’T! You’ll end up with this! 🤣
Seriously, what the fuck is this? Lol

My favourite part: “Boom!” 💥
Jul 14, 2020 54 tweets 16 min read
Oh boy! $NKLA $NKLAQ
Nikola’s Engineering ‘BTS’ fills me with a lot of questions and concerns. So, as your friendly Twitter ghost 👻, I will address them all!
[That’s right, it’s Thread Time! 💃🏼 🕺🏻]
Problem 1: it’s in focking portrait! 😡

Ok, my actual first thought is to remind you that this prototype was build by Pratt Miller, not Nikola, and a lot of it was designed by various business partners too!

Also, this is apparently not the final design so remember that.
Jul 4, 2020 22 tweets 5 min read
I had some serious problems with what Trevor said in this clip. I decided a thread would be need to do my thoughts justice.

This clip is about Trevor’s track record and ‘*The Tesla CULT*’!

Enjoy! Social media ‘culture’ can be both amazing and pretty disgusting. That is true.

His idea of these ‘keyboard warriors’ does exist but it’s by the far the minority and I don’t think any $TSLA fan is like that.

All the same, let’s move on.
Jun 26, 2020 47 tweets 18 min read
I just read this P.O.S. Such bullshit lies!
Ruffo (author) is full $TSLAQ at this point.

Ok, I guess that means it’s time for yet another thread to debunk this fool.

[Strap in, kids, it’s going to be a bumpy ride!] [Before we begin, I already debunked the fuck out of the source article on Trevor’s LinkedIN. If you haven’t read it, I recommend you read this other thread first!]
Jun 24, 2020 33 tweets 11 min read
Thread time, baby! 🥳
Bloody hell though, this video is 2 and a quarter hours long, so I’m going to be here for a while!
This first clip is a handy little contents page for you all. Enjoy!
[Bring it on!]
$NKLA $NKLAQ ‘It’s a... a single re... it’s a... it’s a... re... single essentially... it’s a duel speed but it... umm... but a single... between low and high’
Wow, and I though Elon’s speech could get rough!
Jun 21, 2020 76 tweets 25 min read

As some of you may have seen, Trevor posted some propaganda on LinkedIN, which means I need to debunk it. It looks like I’ll be here a while! Here goes... [Thread]

Very first sentence and already a lie! That is, unless he also thinks FCEV won’t make it to market! 🤣 Image Before I continue reading, let’s debunk this right off the gate! Every Tesla model has an option for a significantly more than 300 mile range. *Not one* person has ever complained that they have too much range. Moreover, these >300mile vehicles still all have track records! Image