NonAuPassVaccinal | NoGreenPass Profile picture
Citizen. Pro freedom. Pro democracy. Non political. #NoGreenPass #NoVaccinePassportAnywhere #NonAuPassSanitaire
Sep 6, 2021 18 tweets 22 min read
1/n Dear @JimCarrey, as life gave you a voice that matters we beg you to use it for good once again.

Please #StepUpForFreedom

'We' are being discriminated, due to our choice of not getting vaccinated (yet) against Covid &/or our choice of saying no to injecting our children.👇 2/n Hear us out:

#EmotionalSituation: we suffer. Division is upon us. Many lost their jobs. Families and friends are being torn apart. Many Europeans, Canadians, Americans, Australians and other citizens of the world share this pain. #Wearemillions. 👇
Sep 5, 2021 4 tweets 8 min read
1/2 Célébrités anti #PassSanitaire, si j'ai bien suivi,
- Binoche
- Genest
- Duperey
- Akhenaton
- Bardot
- Lalanne
- Bigard
Aidez-moi, QUI? (oula, attention, question controversée 🤐) QUI d'autre?
👉Les célébrités qui se taisent et n'en pensent pas moins, #SORTEZDUBOISBORDEL!👇 2/2 Votre silence est presque aussi grave et violent que l'horreur de telles mesures politiques. Votre silence vous rend ACTEURS co-responsables de la plus grande expérience de Milgram de l'histoire de l'humanité. DEBOUT ! Courage ! #SORTEZDUBOISBORDEL !