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Most recents (4)

Sep 6th 2021
1/n Dear @JimCarrey, as life gave you a voice that matters we beg you to use it for good once again.

Please #StepUpForFreedom

'We' are being discriminated, due to our choice of not getting vaccinated (yet) against Covid &/or our choice of saying no to injecting our children.👇
2/n Hear us out:

#EmotionalSituation: we suffer. Division is upon us. Many lost their jobs. Families and friends are being torn apart. Many Europeans, Canadians, Americans, Australians and other citizens of the world share this pain. #Wearemillions. 👇
3/n #FreedomOfSpeech: our voice is being shut and undermined in mass media. Pretexting public health good intentions, political leaders of our nations end up dismissing, if not censoring (on social media), solid arguments for our choice, even if bcked up by eminent scientists.👇
Read 18 tweets
Aug 3rd 2020
Leipzig: #WeAreMillions photo exhibit up now, reception with discussion (featuring @EstebanServat), videos and performances on August 7th

Against the extradition of Julian Assange to the United States: Our right to know is his right to publish… ImageImageImageImage
@EstebanServat Esteban Servat: Biologist, investigative journalist, EcoLeaks cofounder

"I think Assange has done more than anyone in the world for journalism and the freedom of information and it is a shame to see many of the world's media defaming him."…
@EstebanServat Esteban Servat on the Creation of EcoLeaks | by @cketchamwild for @patagonia… Image
Read 3 tweets
Aug 27th 2019
1 to 20. Assange a true HERO. The Siege & Injustice with Julian Assange 🤨👇🏼…
21. Assange a true HERO. The Siege & Injustice with Julian Assange 🤨👇🏼…
Read 62 tweets
Feb 19th 2019
#PresidentsDay #Thread Investigative Science & Tech Writer, Ramola D @EccEveryday wrote Memo to Trump 2017 exposing "Covert US Military/Intel/Justice Physical Mutilation of the Population EMF Weapons, Neuro-Weapons, Bio-Terrorism, & Organized Stalking" /1…
#PresidentsDay Subsequently, Ramola D was tortured by the v stealth weaponry she exposes in the Memo & left bed ridden for two weeks, suffering illness for the rest of the month recovering from her torture. /2 @realDonaldTrump @PENamerican…
#PresidentsDay Torture-For-Profit programs used under the guise of "surveillance" on Knowingly Innocent Targeted People of Integrity who are treated as Non-Legal Persons & used for experimentation. /3 @veteranstoday @johnpilger…
Read 33 tweets

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